global gathering this year...

17 Oct 2002
With all this talk of festivals who's planning to go to global this year. Wanted to go last year but didn't end up going. Definitely this year tho :cool:

Anyone else?
I was sorely disappointed last year, only went for the DnB tent and the sound quality was terrible, sounded like listening to a party next door.

Thankfully I got a free ticket though so not the end of the world.
Big Chris said:
I was sorely disappointed last year, only went for the DnB tent and the sound quality was terrible, sounded like listening to a party next door.

Thankfully I got a free ticket though so not the end of the world.

The sound is kept under close tabs by the local police so i don't think that's entirely Godskitchen's fault.

As much as i love big festivals i'll probably give them a miss this year and use the money i would have spent for a couple of crazy club nights instead. I often find DJs tend to change their normal style to appeal to a wider audience for festivals and that doesn't usually suit my taste. We shall see though!

Not entirely related but some of you might find this mildly amusing, the definition of 'rave' music in the eyes of the law : “the emission of a succession of repetitive beats” (Criminal Justice Act of 1994) :p
Grrrrr said:
The sound is kept under close tabs by the local police so i don't think that's entirely Godskitchen's fault.
I never said it was, I was still disappointed though. Previous years have been much better.

The council are the ones who wander around with clipboards tutting at everything and telling people to keep it down, the breakbeat sets in the same tent the night before were much lounder I'm told.
the friday last year was absolutley amazing one of the best nights of my life.

the saturday was a bit bleurgh , aggro and really really bad goings on with the sound in godskitchen tent.

wasn't really bothered though as the Friday had been so good

Big Chris said:
the breakbeat sets in the same tent the night before were much lounder I'm told.

dunno about the breakbeat tent but everything on the friday was definetly LOUDer

could hear the electric arena from everywhere lol , the sounds drawed you in and wouldnt let you leave..... true story !

Grrrrr said:
As much as i love big festivals i'll probably give them a miss this year and use the money i would have spent for a couple of crazy club nights instead.

im thinking similar, a trip to paris seems to be calling me tbh ,

need to see the festival lineups first i guess though.
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Think im in the same boat as Grrr - won't be there.

Will have a few nights out over here then save some cash for
the two trips to the white isle :D

Loved 2003
2004 I saw some pretty shocking stuff

Havnet bothered with it since, and have replaced it with the far superior Dance Valley in Holland :D
GG last year was absolutely awesome, but I won't be going back this year. All the festivals I went to last year were not as good as the should have been due to utterly silly noise level restrictions placed by the police: The Glade - Epic but TOO QUIET. Global - Epic but TOO QUIET. Creamfields - Epic but TOO QUIET. Leeds - Sound was spot on but not enough dance acts (Pearl Jam did rock very hard though).

I'm hoping to get Glasto tickets again this year and just stick to that festival. The sound restrictions should be far more leniant there than with the other festivals. Hopefully they'll have a few more DnB acts this year round too.
One question, is it worth paying for VIP?

I've been to Creamfields before and never thought VIP was that good for one night but does it make a difference being friday / saturday?
-=BAF=-AXE said:
Think im in the same boat as Grrr - won't be there.

Will have a few nights out over here then save some cash for
the two trips to the white isle :D


how much is a trip to ibiza for a couple of good club nights roughly? it sounds very tempting :D
Grrrrr said:
Ibiza you're looking at a grand a week... just on spending money!

It doesnt happenn often but i have to disagree with Grr ;)

Heres a bit of a break down :

Hotel + flights for a week - £200 ish (shop around its easy)
Clubs - i always buy my tickets before i go - spank them on my credit card average £30 a night.
Food is cheap enough as are drinks for the day etc.

It only gets expensive when you are drinking in clubs, although water is still expensive @ 8-10 euros a bottle.

You could do a week all in in under a grand easy, thats a big club everynight too.

im sure you'll get me on MSN when you read this, wont be till late as im currently recovering froma big night out last night in Sheffield :p

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