I was wondering where the swapfile for Windows should sit to get optimum performance out of the system. Most normally have it in the same partition as the OS however i always thought that as long as it on the same physiical disk it shouldn't really matter what partition it sits on.
Splitting your page file through a number of partition and physical drives can hinder your system slightly? Is this true?
Be intresteding what most think as it probably doesn't make that much of a difference tbh.
I was wondering where the swapfile for Windows should sit to get optimum performance out of the system. Most normally have it in the same partition as the OS however i always thought that as long as it on the same physiical disk it shouldn't really matter what partition it sits on.
Splitting your page file through a number of partition and physical drives can hinder your system slightly? Is this true?
Be intresteding what most think as it probably doesn't make that much of a difference tbh.