Velvet Revolver

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Are these clowns ever going to release a new album?

They were supposed to do so last year, but knowing the likes of Slash, Duff and Weiland, the chances of them getting off their arse and making some good music is pretty slim!

Anyone heard anything from the rumour mill?
I thought the Velvet Revolver album sounded a lot like The Wildhearts when it came out.
Forget Velvet Revolver and buy The Wildhearts back catalogue.
I've seen them before, after listening to their album for like a day or two before, it still remains one of my fav gigs since my expectations were low, and it turned out to be amazing.
dmpoole said:
I thought the Velvet Revolver album sounded a lot like The Wildhearts when it came out.
Forget Velvet Revolver and buy The Wildhearts back catalogue.
Noooo, never liked the Wildhearts the first time around, VR are much better and I do hope they get round to finally releasing the new album - there is some real good guitar playing on the first :)
helmet said:
Crap band, no talent anymore, big names, nothing else
While I wouldn't go so far as to say I think they're crap, they are nowhere near as good as I'd hoped they'd be. So, a new album would have to be a big step up from the last one to interest me.
Skidmark said:
While I wouldn't go so far as to say I think they're crap.

I would and did because not one of them did or tried anything new that could not have been achieved by their original bands. Matter of fact they got worse than their original bands (for me).

I'm one of the biggest STP fans alive and have been for many years, whilst I was sad to see them go I really looked forward to this band coming out of the ashes of STP/GnR and making good tunes.

The result was an album that could have been recorded mid 1980's bringing nothing new that had not been tried before, mainly by GnR.
They released and got praise for an album that was very poor in everything but production, and i'm pretty sure they will to do it over again.

Check out their website for a wonderful ticket pre-sale. Terrible terrible band (imo of course).
jellybeard999 said:
Go find some GnR bootlegs tbh... theres plenty about, since they pro shot every concert from 1990 onwards.

I have Chicago 92 and Live At The Ritz 88 and they are good quality.
The only problem is that Axl Rose is singing and he can't sing live - he's bloody awful.
Check out the two DVD's Use your Illusion - Axl totally ruins them.
Can I get a thread Reeeeeewind!

Well I'm seeing these guys on Sunday night and as predicted the new album isn't out yet but to be honest this adds to the excitement of seeing them.

I don't think I have ever seen a band without hearing their latest album first.

I'll be getting my best moshing shoes on and pushing my way to the front....
I'm getting their EP tomorrow. Hope it's good.

I hope they've gone in a new direction though otherwise I'll get bored of it very quickly.

I hate QOTS's new single too. Had high expectations for that. I actually prefer the B-side.
MookJong said:
Can I get a thread Reeeeeewind!

Well I'm seeing these guys on Sunday night and as predicted the new album isn't out yet but to be honest this adds to the excitement of seeing them.

I don't think I have ever seen a band without hearing their latest album first.

I'll be getting my best moshing shoes on and pushing my way to the front....

lol my girlfriend is gonna see them tomorow in Glasgow aswell.

/useless information.
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