Apple Media Event!

3 Oct 2006

Ipods? I hope so...
Judging from that picture then I'd say new iPods is a garauntee.

Beaut of it is that my Birthday is 6th September :D

If the iPod looks like this then I will have ONE nice birthday too..

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A forum that I use have some supposedly leaked pictures of the new iPODs and it doesn't look like I will be getting a new one,the ipod video seems to be a bit shorter and thinner than the current one and they now have dumped the black/white and silver casing,they now use the mini type casing(same as the nano).Me is hoping its totally untrue and they make a widescreen ipod similar in looks to iphone.
There having been quite a few rumblings about this being iPod related, from the numerous images floating around the web (a.k.a. the "Nano Flower" which was debunked, then Apple get all Legal on it and that made it seem a bit more legit)

From the image it seems to be be iPod / iTunes related - A new iPod that uses the iPhone-esque interface seems to be thought on my mind, to level the playing field, an Phoneless, iPhone if you will.

However, I never guess or put money on these things, I just sit back and see what happens!

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