p5b and q600 g0 = no go for 'clocking

4 Nov 2004
Norn' Iron'
p5b and q6600 g0 = no go for 'clocking

help me clock my q6600, im having trouble overclocking it, if i change the multi to 6 and the fsb to 400, exit and save changes, system restarts but the monitor doesnt come on. i have done pretty much exactly the same thing as when i done my 6300.

i am on the latest bios: 1216.

this happened once before on my e6300 and never happened again.


p5b-d non wifi
4x1gb geil 6400 ull
8800gtx oc2



id be happy if i even got my ram 1:1

i know there are people on here that have the same mobo and cpu, so if you could let me know your bios settings that would be more than helpful
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few weeks on and the q66 is still running strong at 3.2, i want to go further. 450*8 = 3.6

im getting the same problem as stated in the first post. im affraid to push any more volts through her. current volts are 1.37v in BIOS, 1.325 in cpuz. could this be the problem resulting in no display when i try 450*8, ram volts where upped to 2.15v from 2.10v
I would say you've got plenty of room for putting more voltage through - considering your temps are still sensible that is. I had mine up to 1.46 (CPU-Z reading, cant remember what it was in BIOS) when testing for 3.6. Have a check in the Q6600 database to get an idea what voltages people have been putting through :)
Do the pencil mod found here:


Or here:


I have my b3 running at 3.2 at the moment 24/7. It will run at 3.6 no problem now i have done the mod but needs nearly 1.5v in the bios, in windows its about 1.475 and stays at 1.475 under load.

My current settings are

401 fsb (400 wont boot)
8x multi
1:1 mem divider
101 pci-e
2.25v on the memory

To get 3.6 i just change the multi to 9x and up the vcore to 1.5v

Or to get 3.4 i leave the multi on 8x and up the fsb to 425 and vcore to 1.4v

The ram could be your problem - i used to have geil and had loads of problems so i sold it and got ballistix.

I posted screenies of my settings in the link below for someone else - they may be some use to you, and check out the voltages in the pics you may need to change these too.

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I've asked before -but any of you P5B guys have problems with 400fsb + ?

my CPU will happily run at (high volts) 3.38 gig .. x 9 multiplier (1.55Vcore)

but try anything like 7x445 (3.1 gig) - no matter the Vcore -when you save the bios -it does its double boot and restarts fine - but if you press reset or reset from windows - it will not post at all ...

I'd change the CPU - but any chance its the mobo thats fsb limited for some reason ?

I've tried raising the Vnorth to 1.55 and the FSB Volts to 1.45 etc to no avail
ive heard of people using avoiding 350 to 400 and going straight to 401+

ive run mine at 400 and 450 with no hickups (other than the double boot) with my 6300, i had to use 401 with my q6600 though.

people have said that even at stock the p5b does the double boot thing
thanks hardcore

sorry - what I meant is when you save the bios it double boots and posts just as it should.

but if you then press the reset button the front, or reset from windows, or even on switch on - it won't post ... but go into the bios after bios recovery - set the settings, it saves and posts, boots into windows, and even runs Orthos fine !

perhaps like the problems you were having with your Q6600 - some boards are a bit fickle as they get higher up in the fsb ?
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