COD 4 - Getting 2 ppl online

13 Jan 2007
Belfast,Northern Ireland
Hey just got net sorted in my uni house woot!

Need a quick reply if possible, want to get online, signed in with his xboxlive account and me as his guest. How do i do this? Im very sure its possible?

When i try to sign in on the xbox as guest it says random stuff then goes to the lobby screen but its blurred out and has 'DOWNLOADING GAME SETTINGS..' for ages and isnt changing.

PLEASE help quick!

COD4 has no guest option. I found this out after buying the game on Friday, was hoping to play my mates online like Halo but COD4 has no guest account and I even tried using 2 xbox live gold accounts on 1 console but still couldn't get 2 players to play online from 1 console.
Thanks mate, had a feeling, much more helpful that being told 'which post you want the answer in?' Then being told nothing.

Really? And considering you'd posted the EXACT same question in 2 threads, there was me asking a rather polite "Do you want it in YOUR post, or the official COD4 thread" question!

Don't be so damn judgemental of people and assume they're taking the wazz. Remind me not to bother been helpful next time.
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