Need a decent 2.0 or 2.1 set of PC speakers

25 Mar 2007
Hi all,

I currently have some Creative 5.1 iTrigue speakers. They look nicer than what they sound.

I've always had 5.1 speakers, but I have realised that I have no use for 5.1 - I don't play lots of games, I don't watch a lot of movies but I do love music - loud music at that.

So, I am in the market for some amazing 2.0 or 2.1 (preferably 2.0) speakers.

They must deliver crystal clear sound and good bass. I would prefer 2.0 speakers, but if they perform substantially less than a set of 2.1 then I will be happy with 2.1.

Looking to spend no more than £100.00

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All pc speakers are rubbish for music really because they lack midrange they are just subwoofers and tweeters more or less.
get a budget amp and bookshelfs for music even the cheapest most basic setup like gale mini monitors are better than pc speakers.
You could get a cracking little setup for £100 off that auction site.
If you must get pc speakers then aego m.
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Hi C64,
All pc speakers are rubbish for music really because they lack midrange they are just subwoofers and tweeters more or less.
get a budget amp and bookshelfs for music even the cheapest most basic setup like gale mini monitors are better than pc speakers.
You could get a cracking little setup for £100 off that auction site.
If you must get pc speakers then aego m.
How do you connect a PC (X-fi) to a amp? Through the optical thing?

And is it really worth getting a sub-standard amp and bookshelf speakers, both within the budget of £100?
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How do you connect a PC (X-fi) to a amp? Through the optical thing?
stereo to phono lead

And is it really worth getting a sub-standard amp and bookshelf speakers, both within the budget of £100?
Yea of course it is worth getting you could get something like Mordaunt Short 902 or whatever is the latest bargain 2nd hand bookshelf
for £25-£40 and a decent amp like a cambridge A5.I've seen cambridge A5's go for £30 on there.

I have a set of logitech z4 on my pc and playing music on them is absolutely terrible there's no midrange what so ever.

But then I bought them for basic use like watching films games and streaming etc, I mainly use headphones for my pc and I use my separates for music.
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