PS3 noob - 2407WFP display issue

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Hi Guys,

Bit confused with the issue Im getting so hoping someone can confirm what Ive done is correct...

Trying to connect it to 2407WFP A04 via a DVI-HDMI cable from ukhdmi (sure thats not a competitor) with the sound sent via optical to my Z5400 receiver.

Ive ensured its still trying to display via HDMI and that its using at max 720p (I know the 2407WFP can do 1080p, but the TV downstairs supports 1080i) and just left sound via HDMI for now...

The 2407WFP is only picking up coloured noise when its on DVI-D and I just cant work out what else I should do. I think the cable is broken, but then I dont think it would display anything (when I unplug it from the PS3 the monitor realises and goes to power save so it must be picking up something). Not sure how to test it without going out and buying another one - do high street shops do DVI-HDMI cables or adapters?

I know this has been asked but looking at older threads no ones gone into specifics what needs to be done on the PS3 so I dont know if Ive missed something obvious...


ps3ud0 :cool:
It does indeed sound like a dodgy cable, best bet if you want it cheap is to buy it off of an auction site, if you need it fast a couple of obvious highstreet chains tend to be a good choice for cables (but expensive) obviously i can't tell you where due to competitorness :(.

Let us know how you get along.
Oh and, never hurts to reset the PS3 to default, when you switch it on hold the power button for 5 seconds or so until it beeps again. That will remove the chance of any erroneous settings.
OK tried putting it back to default as above but still the same...

I did notice this though - when telling the PS3 to switch off when it did the monitor went into power save and then a second later went to standby. That definitely says to me its picking up a signal.

Since I know the PS3 works on the HDMI as Ive put it on the downstairs HDTV and that the DVI socket works on the monitor (I am right in thinking the 2407WFP A04 is fully HDCP compliant?) its got to be the cable...

Ill try and get a (overpriced) temporary replacement from the usual suspects tomorrow...


ps3ud0 :cool:
OK Im going to try the whole 576p and 1080p idea. Ive tried connecting the PS3 at both 720p and 1080i but not at the others (the HDTV isnt FullHD) so maybe forcing it to 1080p might help.

I was hoping someone here had a Dell 2407 and PS3 connected so I could check - think its worth posting in the monitor section?

ps3ud0 :cool:
I really dont know - tried what I can on the PS3 I think. 1080p setting just makes the monitor display 'change source to 1920x1200 60Hz' message just like 1080i did.

Resetting it so it beeps eventually brings back the coloured noise/snow which every so often is dispersed by red vertical blocks...

All 2407WFP as far as I can tell support HDCP (which I cant see kicking in until a BD is played)

Im stumped :(

Hopefully a different cable will help tomorrow. I want an excuse to move to a 32" FullHD LCD anyway for both PC and PS3 - this just expedites it.

I was going to get the Sony 32W4000 for £600 but What Hi-fi and Vision just did a supertest and a Phillips and Samsung came out better so re-looking at that decision...

ps3ud0 :cool:
A quick Google found loads of people running this combo, and I think Wyrdo runs it too.

With any luck it's the cable that fud and not the monitor.

I've been holding off getting a PS3 until I have an HDTV because my 2407 is an A03, so no 1:1 @ 1080p.
Yeah I looked before I posted but there were quite a few posts just arguing if the 2407WFP supported HDCP that I thought Id ask here as I cant see it being a rare setup...

I definitely think its the cable as I jsut cant see how the connectors arent working when they do using them in the standard setup - either that or Im a retard and missed a simple setting...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I have this combination 2407 A04 connected via HDMI-->DVI cable. Initially I too was getting coloured noise when hooking up and many resets later of both monitor and PS3 did I get it to work. But once it started working I have never had the issue again. My only advice at this stage (as I am not at home to check my settings) is to put the monitor into VGA input, turn the PS3 on, reset it then switch the monitor to DVI.

It will work as I have it running. Also I am using a dirt cheap £5 HDMi--> DVI connector cable so I doubt it is that.

P.S. I also tried a 2xDVI splitter so I could use the PS3/Computer through DVI when needed (obviously not together) but that didnt want to play ball at all.
Cheers Ill give that a go later - I guess that means I cant get 1080i/1080p working since my monitor refuses to accept the signal and gives me a message - the snow only happens on 720p...

ps3ud0 :cool:
What issues did you see? Im trying to understand where it actually use HDCP as I thought it would only be related to BDs or maybe playing games, but not from switching it on and the menus...

As Type_R had the same snow issue Im hoping Ive just got an obtuse monitor :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
Hmm, I had the same setup before I got a HD tv.
I don't recall having such a big problem, I think the monitor should pick it up on both 1080i and 1080p. I was using a cheap £5 hdmi-dvi cable.

Infact we're using this setup at work but there was mention of trying it on 2405's and getting similar results to what you're describing, but the 2405's obviously don't have HDCP. So Wydro's experience may be the same as yours.

Do you have access to any other HDCP HDMI output?
Ive only got a HDMI HDTV downstairs as an output - no other monitor Ive got would support HDCP AFAIK.

Guess calling Dell on Monday, though I dont think this monitor is in warranty anymore :/

ps3ud0 :cool:
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