Best HDD to use with Time Machine

I have the western digital 1TB studio II version (aluminium casing firewire 800) and it works amazingly. Already formatted for mac. Comes with 5 year warranty or something like that. It goes to sleep with your mac too. :)
Have to say I'm surprised to hear recommendations for wd mybook's. In my experience mine (mybook studio edition 500gb) is among the worst computer hardware purchase i've ever made. It is noisy and will not stay asleep or awake (wd's firmware, not os x power options). It spins up every 15 minutes or so for no discernible reason. Searching the internet will surface many mac users with the same experiences. Not recommended.

It may be that the studio 2 is much better but i suggest you search for reviews rather than limited personal experiences.

The warranty is not '5 years or something like that', it is 2 years.
Actually, just checked the Apple Store and the mybook studio edition is rated 1.5 out of 5 by customer reviewers - would no doubt be lower if a zero rating could be posted. Just looked and overclockers aren't stocking any WD externals.
Mine isn't the studio edition but I must be one of the lucky few because I've never had a problem with it and it doesn't do the 'wake up every 15 minutes' thing...

The WDs are good. I've had mine for 4 months now with no problems. One bad experience doesn't make the series bad.
Did you point out that one bad experience does not make the product bad, then go on to offer your own personal experience as proof of the opposite?

As I said previously, there's plenty of evidence of Mac users have had a lot of problems with mybooks, the apple store for one is littered with bad reviews.

I'm not saying all of the mybooks are bad, I don't know that, just pointing out that listening to someone who offers their personal opinion as evidence ('good cos i fink so' effect) is ill advised. There's a whole internet of reviews out there for smart shoppers. Yes, unfortunately in my case I bought this piece of garbage from a local shop in a rush before moving abroad so did not take my own advice.
Did you point out that one bad experience does not make the product bad, then go on to offer your own personal experience as proof of the opposite?

As I said previously, there's plenty of evidence of Mac users have had a lot of problems with mybooks, the apple store for one is littered with bad reviews.

I'm not saying all of the mybooks are bad, I don't know that, just pointing out that listening to someone who offers their personal opinion as evidence ('good cos i fink so' effect) is ill advised. There's a whole internet of reviews out there for smart shoppers. Yes, unfortunately in my case I bought this piece of garbage from a local shop in a rush before moving abroad so did not take my own advice.

You mean like you did, discrediting the mybook?

Of course apple has bad reviews on their site. If you'd care to check they have good and bad reviews on every product to both extremes. Apple reviews are not to be trusted.
I bought the mybook on the recommendation of reviews that said the studio II series are great. I'm happy with my purchase and I'm recommending it.

What's the problem here?
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I quite clearly said these were my experiences with one product of the range, and pointed toward a resource of many people having the same problems. You on the other hand offered your sole personal experience as proof implicit of it being a good product.

Oh, and more unjustified comments. 'Apple reviews are not to be trusted'. Why? These aren't reviews by Apple but of it's customers. If I am to buy a product and the majority of people are telling me it's bad then I wont buy it, even if a minority tell me otherwise. As I already clearly stated, my experience is limited to one of the line but quick research proves me not to be alone.

I quite clearly said these were my experiences with one product of the range, and pointed toward a resource of many people having the same problems. You on the other hand offered your sole personal experience as proof implicit of it being a good product.

Oh, and more unjustified comments. 'Apple reviews are not to be trusted'. Why? These aren't reviews by Apple but of it's customers. If I am to buy a product and the majority of people are telling me it's bad then I wont buy it, even if a minority tell me otherwise. As I already clearly stated, my experience is limited to one of the line but quick research proves me not to be alone.

Because I've found apple reviews to contradict other reviews I've seen on the internet many times over a range of products.
Products will get a bad review on apple's site if the user can't work out how to turn something on or install some software. I don't need reviews from such people. I'd prefer to read reviews that tell me about the product and not how inept the user is.

If you don't like the mybook that's your problem. I can't believe how badly this product has hurt you, you're getting really upset about it.

Two people in this thread have recommended it. We think it's a good product. We've had good experiences. And so we are recommending it.

Many people have had bad experiences with windows, does that make it ****?
I've heard so many bad WD reviews. Can't comment personally though. I took the caddy + separate HD option, allowing me just to swap it for a bigger one at any point...
Because I've found apple reviews to contradict other reviews I've seen on the internet many times over a range of products.
Products will get a bad review on apple's site if the user can't work out how to turn something on or install some software. I don't need reviews from such people. I'd prefer to read reviews that tell me about the product and not how inept the user is.

If you don't like the mybook that's your problem. I can't believe how badly this product has hurt you, you're getting really upset about it.

Two people in this thread have recommended it. We think it's a good product. We've had good experiences. And so we are recommending it.

Many people have had bad experiences with windows, does that make it ****?

I'd say reading customers experiences proves a wider picture of reliability than a lab test. Despite your attempt to discredit every single Apple customers ability to use an external hard drive, the complaints actually relate to the drives reliabilty and poor power management, rather than switching the thing on.

As to the rest of your puerile trolling, forget it.
I'd say reading customers experiences proves a wider picture of reliability than a lab test. Despite your attempt to discredit every single Apple customers ability to use an external hard drive, the complaints actually relate to the drives reliabilty and poor power management, rather than switching the thing on.

As to the rest of your puerile trolling, forget it.

Good, you'll stop bashing WD now will you? You really need to chill. It's an internet forum, not real life. Stop getting so worked up. Have a beer, a sit down (maybe a smoke) and relax, take a break from the internet before you snap and bash the keyboard or have a stress related stroke.

There is more to life than external hard drives. :cool:
WD MyBook 250GB. No problems at all :)

I wonder if most reviewers of any external drive have actually formatted it to HFS+ with a GUID Partition Table when using it with OS X...
The MyBook Studios are a bit pony, I've stopped recommending them to customers. Myself and a few others have them and have been disappointed, they're not as fast as they should be, I quite often get messages saying Time Machine failed to back up, blah blah, just a bit cack. Cheap though.
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