OK Im afraid this is part 'Spec me a mobile' thread and part 'rant regards current mobile phones'...
So anyway Im tired of seeing new phones that promise a lot (or their OSes do) but fail to deliver due to either corners cut (slow, underpowered or poor battery life), crap added (network bloat) or stupidity (no copy and paste?!?). I want to upgrade my phone but everywhere I look its a compromise at best or a realistic disappointment.
I know Im not the only one whose fed up with the mobile market and finding it hard to actually upgrade (i.e. their new handset is significantly better than their old one) at the moment. Im not saying theres not choice out there, just that my expectations over the last few years have got higher - I was happy to accept bugs and nuances, but now I expect things to do what they say...
So anyway thats most of the rant out of the way - I need some help and hoping you guys can point the way, Ive got some ideas of my own, but I think my current opinion is tarnishing my options so rather not comment until I hear what you guys think...
Im currently on a Vario 3 with T-Mobile on their Flext 35 with WnW - the contract ends at the end of Feb and Ive got to the point where I want/need a change as Ive had a WM phone for a few years now...
For me the most important things are the ability to make phone calls, to surf the net and text/email. Im a big net user and expect my new phone to give me a better experience (ideally a desktop one) and still allow me to connect my laptop to it too. Since I do email and text I would prefer a physical keyboard, but anything that allows me a good qwerty experience is fine...
So thats quite an open remit - lets see what you think I should get...
So anyway Im tired of seeing new phones that promise a lot (or their OSes do) but fail to deliver due to either corners cut (slow, underpowered or poor battery life), crap added (network bloat) or stupidity (no copy and paste?!?). I want to upgrade my phone but everywhere I look its a compromise at best or a realistic disappointment.
I know Im not the only one whose fed up with the mobile market and finding it hard to actually upgrade (i.e. their new handset is significantly better than their old one) at the moment. Im not saying theres not choice out there, just that my expectations over the last few years have got higher - I was happy to accept bugs and nuances, but now I expect things to do what they say...
So anyway thats most of the rant out of the way - I need some help and hoping you guys can point the way, Ive got some ideas of my own, but I think my current opinion is tarnishing my options so rather not comment until I hear what you guys think...
Im currently on a Vario 3 with T-Mobile on their Flext 35 with WnW - the contract ends at the end of Feb and Ive got to the point where I want/need a change as Ive had a WM phone for a few years now...
For me the most important things are the ability to make phone calls, to surf the net and text/email. Im a big net user and expect my new phone to give me a better experience (ideally a desktop one) and still allow me to connect my laptop to it too. Since I do email and text I would prefer a physical keyboard, but anything that allows me a good qwerty experience is fine...
So thats quite an open remit - lets see what you think I should get...