Looking for name of a device/gadget?

3 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Does anyone know of the name of the device/gadget that replicates our solar system and shows how the moon revolves around the earth throughout the seasons?

I've seen a few of them, they normally have a handle you turn which cycles through a year.


You can get a nice one in kit form for around £40, if you fancy spending £1200 you can get one made from oak and brass. Might get one if I win on the lottery tonight. ;)
Thanks for help guys,

The reason I actually asked was because of that TV advert! Although I've been reading up on our solar system lately and always wanted a orrery.

I just completed the magazine part build one.

Is a nice bit of kit :-)


Next one is the Earth, Moon Sun orbiter.

All that came with part 1!!?
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The next one is in newsagents now. If you subscribe you get loads more stuff inc. a toolkit, binders yada yada. They send you all the back issues if you subscribe late too.

As for the motor driven Orrery, it is virtually silent. On it's slowest speed you don't actually hear anything, fastest is a slight hum.

Overall, the Orrery was a great build. If you subscribe you get 4 issues in 1 pack monthly, rather than one a week. Some say it is expensive, but if you are into astronomy then things are certainly not cheap. My telescope and accessories cost me about £5k in all - ouch!
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