Switcheasy Capsule Neo iPhone 3G Case

25 Sep 2006
I'm aware this case saved Feek's iPhone from almost certain destruction and am interested in buying it for mine. Ideally I want to put it on for nights out incase I drop it when drunk etc etc, but I supposed leaving it on most of the time wouldnt hurt either.

However I also want to use the Zagg invisible sheild for when the phone is effectively 'naked'. Obviously the invisible sheild can't be removed once applied, not easily and it can't be reapplied willy nilly!

My question is, is there sufficient room to use the invisible sheild and the Switcheasy Capsule Neo case together, the Capsule Neo over the top of the invisible sheild? or will it be too tight a fit?

Also I remember seeing a case similar to the one i've mentioned, but the membrane covered all the buttons, including the mute switch, and had the plugs for the headphone jack and dock connector as part of it, so they were actually attatched to the case. Does anybody know the name of the one I saw? can't remember the name!

Benny C
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I had to take the back part of my Invisible shield off so that the CapsuleNeo would fit properly. It's no hardship for me though because I never take the phone out of the case, in fact taking the phone out and putting it back in is a pain because the case is multipart. There's a thin rubber jacket, then a plastic piece fits snugly over it and finally the i-frame clips in place holding it all together.
I bought the switcheasy capsule neo case on what Feek said

Its was an ass to put on though! needless to say ill not be removing it in a hurry :)
Bought the switcheasy rebel for my 3g best case ever ! :D

Order one of these on tuesday, arrived the following day. seems a really made case I have to say, far better then what I had on my 2g iPhone. Cant fit the thing yet as im waiting for my 3g to arrive. up to 14 lead time on them with the Business contracts :(
Bought the switcheasy rebel for my 3g best case ever ! :D
Same here.
Cracking case.
Still though, manufacturer at the time wanted £25 for the case and £20 delivery from Germany!
Other 'sources' was £23 for the lot! lol.
More importently is wether the rumored new iphone will fit in 3g cases and/or wether switcheasy release a new rebel serpent if it doesnt. :p.
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