OcUK Rolling Road Day 9 - Northwest Convoy

26 Aug 2003
Leafy Cheshire
Same drill as last time guys, thought I'd get the thread up:

Month to go now before the Meet, and the convoys (at least the northern one anyway) usually takes a fair bit of organizing (times for stop-offs and pick-up points etc), so i'm starting the discussion now to give plenty of time to get people's contact info and get people confirmed etc etc.


North-West Convoy Details:

Same as last year, people using the M6 from Crewe northwards, if you want to convoy, please meet up at the services just off J16 of the M6.

The journey (done at legal speeds) should take around an 1hr 25mins, as such, to reach powerstation by 8:45, we really need to set off at 7:15 at the latest, so please try to arrive early. So to recap:

Northwest Convoy:
When: Saturday, May 2nd, at 7am
Where: Barthomley Services, Crewe (J16 of the M6), CW2 5PS

***The services are not part of the motorway, if coming from the north, come off at J16 and take the 4th exit, if coming from the south, take the 2nd exit)***

Please try to park up near the petrol station, there is plenty of room, so this shouldn't be a problem.


Postcode of the services again for those who want it and missed it, is CW2 5PS.


If you would like to join this convoy, can you please just reply with:

NorthWest Convoy, <name>, <car>, <meeting point>


Contact Details:

You can contact me either via email (best to send to [email protected]), or via MSN messenger (Add me to MSN)

If you don't have my mobile number and think you may need it, contact me via one of the above and I will give it you.

Convoy List:

List of possible/confirmed attendees. BOLD names are confirmed:

paradigm - BMW 325i, Barthomley Services
RiPz (ripzay) - Some bike thing, Barthomley Services
Dorje - MX5, Barthomley Services
Darryn - Honda CTR, Barthomley Services
Rover416i - Rover 420 iXLD, Barthomley Services


There is always (at least) one! ;)
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Doing this from my area (m1, m62 interchange) via M1, then A42, M42 takes 157 miles, doing it via the M6 and the meetup point takes another 15 minutes or so and is 174 miles.

If i do it via the M1, i wont meet the convoy till the M5/M42 interchange, which is only like 15/20 minutes from the end so why bother joining the convoy.

Decisions decisions.
Stick my name down as a confirmed please... ill be coming down the M6 from junction 29. Tried adding you to MSN, but im having issues with it.

NorthWest Convoy, Darryn, Honda CTR, Barthomley Services
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not sure if i'll be on the gsx-r or the bandit atm (was involved in an accident and am on a hire bike)
I'll tag along chaps, adds 30mins to my journey but meh. I have to get set off at 4am anyway! *grumble grumble*

Dorje - MX5, Barthomley Services
Missus has kindly informed me shed like dropping off in leicester to see her sister. I tryed putting her off, mentionning about leaving at 6 etc.. and she wasnt bothered, so im definately going to have to go down the M1 now.
Missus has kindly informed me shed like dropping off in leicester to see her sister. I tryed putting her off, mentionning about leaving at 6 etc.. and she wasnt bothered, so im definately going to have to go down the M1 now.

You still crossing over to the M5 via the M42? Or are you going to do a bit of cross country (I know I did when leaving the RR to head to leicester), it was a lot quicker.
Bump! - Early morning tomorrow! setting off at 6:15 to get to the services for just after 7am!
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