WiFi problems after 2.2.1 update

3 Feb 2009
Has anybody else been having the WiFi issues discussed on the official apple forums? http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1141&start=0

I bought my phone when O2 were doing them for 169 last year and it is now out of warranty according to the Apple site. Everything was fine until Apple pushed out the latest firmware which has now destroyed my WiFi (and that of loads of other users too). Pretty poor for frm Apple if they don't replace the handsets they have wrecked with the latest update.
Hmm, not one I've heard of but have you tried a complete reset and restore? If a firmware upgrade has broken something and it's widely known about then I'd expect a fix in a later version.
Yep. A full restore and even roll-back to 2.2 makes no difference

The current speculation is that previously the WiFi chip was throttled (which was why you never really got full speed with it). With the latest release it appears that this restriction has been removed allowing the WiFi chip to operate at full capacity which has caused loads of them to overheat and burn out in some cases.

There's loads of people on that forum who have put their iPhone in a sealed bag in a freezer for a while to bring the temp down which has allowed them to use WiFi for a few minutes before the failures start again. This definately suggests a heat/hardware issue but without Apple even acknowledging the problem exists this is nothing but speculation (albeit quite likely from anecdotal evidence). If it is a hardware issue then it's unlikely it can be fixed in future updates as the damage has already been done.

I was thinking of upgrading when the rumoured new iPhone comes out in a few months anyway...but I still think apple should address the issue...even if my warranty has expired.
Well unless the design has changed all the new iPhones that still work would burn out too surely?

But yes Apple should replace it if it was broken by one of their updates.
If it works following the freezer trick then surely it'd work following a roll back to 2.2 ? Kind of makes me glad i'm still on 2.1 with no plans to do an update till 3.0.x hits :)
Bit of a bump. Has anyone heard much more on this?

My iPhone 3G (v2.2.1) has suddenly stopped receiving wifi signals, I was going to return it to the Carphone Warehouse to see if they won't replace or fix it but then miraculously it started working again only to stop a few minutes later. I did a bit of searching and found a lot of folk with incorrect wifi/router settings (not the issue) but haven't found much on the wifi antenna being blown.

I've still got warranty and took out insurance on the phone so at the least I'm expecting them to fix it if not just give me a new one (which I think is what they should do). Frankly if they want to keep me happy they should think about giving a free upgrade for the 3GS :wink wink:
I find that my iPhone has a big tendancy to just forget that it is attached to a wireless network and drop down to 3G or Edge. I then have to play around with it and the wifi settings to get it to reconnect... Its doing it quite often.
Just been along to the carphone warehouse, they told me that I should wait until the new update is out on Wednesday and see if that fixes it. If it is an overheating issue then the update might fix it...I hope.
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