Connecting 2 monitors to a Macbook Pro

4 Jun 2003
IOM - made in Stoke
OK I'm a noob to the Mac world but I intend to buy myself a 17' Macbook Pro when I move house soon as a little house warming present to myself lol. I intend to dual screen it with my Dell 2408 monitor, but is it possible to connect the Macbook Pro to 2 monitors? I have a Dell 2407 as well as the 2408 and it would be pretty awesome if it's possible to use both screens as well as the Macbook itself.

I know you have to buy one of the mini-link - DVI adapters to hook a monitor to the Macbook, is this enough or do I require additional hardware?

MBPro ships with a mini display port, you can get mini-dp to VGA and mini-dp to DVI adaptors to hook up to non-Apple Monitors. However this would only allow 1 monitor still.

the Matrox DualHead2Go is PC and MAC compatible so I reckon that a mini-dp to DVI or Dual Link-DVI if more then 1920 x 1200 res and a Matrox DualHead2Go onto the end of the DVI should do this if want to attach 2 monitors to the MBP.
The other solution is to get a USB to video adapter, I can't link to the product as its on a competitors site but search for;

"USB to DVI/HDMI/VGA to Video Display Adapter"
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