***borderlands Steam names thread***

30 Jun 2007
Ok thought I'd start this up now so everyone with preorders etc can add people ready for release (30th oct) so we can get started right away :D

Also join the OCUK Borderlands Steam community [Link]

OCUK name            Steam name            Steam account ID       upload speed

Tefal                Tefal                 Ricorodreguez                1.04Mbs
bakes0310            bakes0310 
petriodet            petriodet             petriodet 
GuRkHa//$PIMP$       GuRkHa//$PIMP$        kgcpimp
Dkore-DeX            Team Bawlz - DeX      MrPesh
Shadows1990          Shadows1990           Shadows1990 
XiS111               XiS                   XiS555
Rambo89              {TC} Rambo            mcprovos_raymondo 
Greeny_Fastcar       Teyasai               Yateslc
Viper²               Mr.Viper              [email protected]            0.61Mbs
Squark               Squark                ash_d_man                   0.49Mbs
Captainrave          Captainrave           Captainrave 
Mahnsikir            Mahnsikir             Mahnsikir
Proc                 Proc                  Proc
Fenris               Fenris                Jegon6000                    0.48Mbs
Kesz                 SyntheticMeerkat
Corran               Parsley               Corrann
Wakayoda             Wakayoda
psypher5                                   psypherv1                 1.11Mbs
bazza64                                    limmel
hsp70                Divekick              Divekick
Bobmunkhouse         Bobmunkhouse          Bobmunkhouse
MidnightLamp         midnight              sunship27
paul_m               Turbo_Nutter          [email protected]
krooton              [OCUK] kr00t0n        kr00t0n
BombayMix            BombayMix             BombayMix 
GoRedwings19                               GoRedwings
marc512              MARCAAAA / Overdrive    iamoverdrive 
Dureth               Tranquil Rage         Dureth                     0.98 Mbs
Solus                                      nutter147
PhillyDee            PhillyDee             Fireon|PhillyDee                0.73Mbs
icantbetrusted                             icantbetrustedwithc4
Barno                                      Barno
Minstadave                                 Minstadave
Tom|Nbk              Tom|Nbk               drfreeman4life
JackStaar            jackstaar17           Jakstaar2007
N19h7m4r3            N19h7m4r3             N19h7m4r3
Backup                                     V3teran(UK)

Post you steam name and ID and I'll add you too the list.

Link to the borderlands discussion and info thread


post discussion in there please just to make it easier to see names etc to add :p

Please add all people on the list to friends before adding your name :)
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Ok thought I'd start this up now so everyone with preorders etc can add people ready for release (30th oct) so we can get started right away :D

Also join the OCUK Borderlands Steam community [Link]

OCUK name            Steam name            Steam account ID
Tefal                Tefal                 Ricorodreguez
bakes0310            bakes0310

Post you steam name and ID and I'll add you too the list.

i'll give it a go name is petriodet across the board
OCUK name            Steam name            Steam account ID

Tefal                Tefal                 Ricorodreguez
bakes0310            bakes0310 
petriodet            petriodet             petriodet 
GuRkHa//$PIMP$      GuRkHa//$PIMP$          kgcpimp
Dkore-DeX             Team Bawlz - DeX        MrPesh

Just looked up the game and looks pretty good. Putting my name in as looks good enough to buy esp if there are going to be other people playing it

Edit: added you to list Dex
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Just looked up the game and looks pretty good. Putting my name in as looks good enough to buy esp if there are going to be other people playing it

Edit: added you to list Dex

If people are going to add their names to the list, can you take the code bit out of the quote tags, as when I quote you anything in there disappears so i can't just replace the op list with the updated one:p
Nobody is getting my loot and guns I shall however play when I am a satisfactory level and well equipped.

Remember though you play in the hosts game, so if you join someone else game you can always redo the part in your sp (or keep any highlevel loot you gain by playing in another persons high-level game in a area you would be unable to survive in normally), for any loot you missed, or we could all join your game afterwards so you have more enemies and thus more loot in the quest/section :)

Game is apparently much more fun in MP as there's more enemies and thus more loot :D

plus drunken ocuker's on MP are funny :D
OCUK: Proc
Steam Name: Proc
Steam ID: Err i think its Proc again, but can't remember, how do you check it?

I'm really gonna have to think of a different name for games, i use Proc all the time lol.
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