Post Your Steam Sales Purchase List

17 Apr 2007
stat city
Lets see who spent the most. :D

Heres every game I bought during the steam sales.

Max Payne Bundle
Complete Shooter Pack
Zombie Driver
Trials 2: Second Edition
Shattered Horizon
Killing Floor
Zeno Clash
Doom 3 Complete Pack
Eidos Complete Pack
Mass Effect
Grand Theft Auto 4
Defense Grid: The Awakening

Total - £91 :eek:

Might even buy more before all the prices go back up tomorrow.
  • Eidos Collectors Pack
  • STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
  • Audiosurf
  • Beyond Good & Evil
  • Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  • Battlefield 2
  • Bioshock
  • Max Payne
  • Max Payne 2
  • Mass Effect

TOTAL: £57.82

That's it for now - but I'm thinking of getting other stuff before the sale ends :p
Killing Floor
Battlefield 2
Crysis Warhead
Crysis Wars
Day of Defeat Source
Mass effect
Max payne 1 & 2
Medieval II: Total War
Rome Total War Gold
Stalker: SOC
Shattered Horizon

All quality games for under £50 :).
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Plus I got L4D and L4D2 from 4 packs I will add the cost of them on my total and I end up with a grand total of:


I cannot believe I have spent that much on games.... lol :D
I played the demo its seems quite good and for a fiver I thought it was worth a go. Its not downloading at the moment though. Got L4D2 and Sam and Max Season 2 downloading :D
Eidos Collector Pack
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
Command and Conquer: Kane's Wrath
Mass Effect
Half-Life 1: Source
Shattered Horizon
Crysis Complete (UK)
Max Payne (EU)
Silent Hill: Homecoming (UK)
The Orange Box
Bioshock (EU)
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Killing Floor
Ghostbusters: The Videogame
Day of Defeat: Source
Star Wars Premier Pack
Super ID Software Pack
Evil Genius
Mirror's Edge


Can anyone beat me? lol
Stalker: Shadow Of Chernobyl £13.99 £1.39
Grand Theft Auto IV £19.99 £4.99
Defense Grid: The Awakening £6.99 £1.74
Serious Sam HD £17.99 £8.99
Resident Evil 5 £29.99 £14.99
Battlefield 2 £14.99 £3.74
Red Faction: Guerilla £34.99 £8.74
Cogs £6.99 £1.39
Prey £6.99 £1.39
Killing Floor £14.99 £3.25
Burnout Paradise £19.99 £4.99
Jade Empire £8.99 £1.96
Silent Hill: Homecoming £29.99 £6.52
Call Of Duty:World At War £29.99 £14.99
Max Payne 1 & 2 £8.99 £2.24
Shattered Horizon £14.99 £3.75
Mass effect £12.99 £3.25
Painkiller Collectors Pack £24.99 £6.24
C&C Red Alert 3 £19.99 £6.79
Stalker:Clear Sky £7.99 £3.99
SW:Battlefront 2 £12.99 £6.49
Assassins Creed £19.99 £9.99
The Witcher:Enhanced Edition £22.99 £7.81
X3:Reunion £9.99 £4.99
Ghostbusters £14.99 £5.09
Eidos Pack £70.99 £35.49

First price is regular steam price, second is actual price girlfriend just ripped me a new one, the problem with having my CC details stored, i've been logging in each day and just buying without thinking about it.
Total "steam" value of games = £498.74
Total spent on games = £175.19
Amount saved on Steam prices = £323.55...I can live with that, probably won't buy any new games for the next 12 months :)

Also a little ashamed that i've heavily pirated over the last 10 years, for every game i've bought i've maybe downloaded 2 more illegally, not until the last 12 months that i've actually grown up and started paying for all my games, think it's a bit of guilt kicking in, ergo the reason for a few older games in there.

EDIT: That total has now changed, just went in on a 4 pack of the new total is...£190.19, steam value is £528.74, amount "saved" is £338.55
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Bought -
X3 Terran Conflict

Got gifted -
Evil genius
Zombie driver

Gifted a friend -
Killing Floor

Nice cheap sale for me :)
Half-Life 1 Anthology 5.86 GBP
Half-Life 1: Source 3.90 GBP
Counter-Strike: Source 3.03 GBP
Total 14.72 GBP

I know this might be stupid, but I can't find out how to get the list of all purchases in date order up like people seem to be posting. Where is it hidden?
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