Mission status is green and we are ready to go in 22 hours and 14 minutes.
The latest mission update:
The schedule for launch from this evening:
22:14 ......
Begin 2-hour built-in hold (T-minus 6 hours)
22:24 ...... Safe-and-arm PIC test
23:14 ..... .External tank ready for loading
23:37 ..... .Mission Management Team tanking meeting
00:14 ......
Resume countdown (T-minus 6 hours)
00:14 ...... LO2, LH2 transfer line chill down
00:24 ...... Main propulsion system chill down
00:24 ...... LH2 slow fill
00:54 ...... LO2 slow fill
00:59 ...... Hydrogen ECO sensors go wet
01:04 ...... LO2 fast fill
01:07 ...... Crew medical checks
01:14 ...... LH2 fast fill
03:09 ...... LH2 topping
03:14 ...... LH2 replenish
03:14 ...... LO2 replenish
03:14 ......
Begin 2-hour 30-minute built-in hold (T-minus 3 hours)
03:14 ...... Closeout crew to white room
03:14 ...... External tank in stable replenish mode
03:29 ...... Astronaut support personnel communications checks
03:59 ...... Pre-ingress switch reconfiguration
05:14 ...... Final crew weather briefing
05:19 ...... Crew suit up begins
05:44 ......
Resume countdown (T-minus 3 hours)
05:59 ...... Crew departs O&C building
06:19 ...... Crew ingress
07:09 ...... Astronaut communications checks
07:34 ...... Hatch closure
08:04 ...... White room closeout
08:24 ......
Begin 10-minute built-in hold (T-minus 20m)
08:34 ...... NASA test director countdown briefing
08:34 ......
Resume countdown (T-minus 20m)
08:35 ...... Backup flight computer to OPS 1
08:39 ...... KSC area clear to launch
08:45 ......
Begin final built-in hold (T-minus 9m)
09:15:47 ... NTD launch status verification
09:30:47 ...
Resume countdown (T-minus 9m)
09:34:47 ... Orbiter access arm retraction
09:34:47 ... Launch window opens
09:34:47 ... Hydraulic power system (APU) start
09:34:52 ... Terminate LO2 replenish
09:35:47 ... Purge sequence 4 hydraulic test
09:35:47 ... IMUs to inertial
09:35:52 ... Aero surface profile
09:36:17 ... Main engine steering test
09:36:52 ... LO2 tank pressurization
09:37:12 ... Fuel cells to internal reactants
09:37:17 ... Clear caution-and-warning memory
09:37:47 ... Crew closes visors
09:37:50 ... LH2 tank pressurization
09:38:57 ... SRB joint heater deactivation
09:39:16 ... Shuttle GPCs take control of countdown
09:39:26 ... SRB steering test
09:39:40 ... Main engine start (T-6.6 seconds)
09:39:47 ...
SRB ignition and LAUNCH