Bad Company 2 - Unlock info, MP and Performance Guides

12 Oct 2004
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hey guys, figured that this warranted it's own thread as it'll get drowned in the gargantuan official thread. Having made my little spreadsheet of unlocks, I've got a few useful links to share with you all for everything from how to attain Pins/Insignias, how much they're worth through to Weapon Stats, Physics mechanics and Performance tweaking guides (including FOV changes).

Anyway, first up is my compiled spreadsheet of Kit and Rank Unlocks:

EvilGrin's BC2 Kit Unlock Spreadsheet

IGN have a good "Multiplayer guide" that spans all formats, the layout is pretty poor, but it's quite comprehensive:

Here's a brilliant site with Weapon Comparison Charts, very good info here, and if you read down at the bottom it tells you info on bullet types etc. which is very handy too:

This site has a pretty list of weapons/gadgets/specialisations etc. along with GUI Screenshots and a decent description, sadly no stats/unlock info though:

Playstation multiplayer guide... has some decent info on Ranks, Pins/Insignias and Weapon stats with images and it's laid out in an easy to read way, all the info is transferrable over to the PC version too:

This site is basically a tweak guide for improving performance on the PC, be careful that the information has been updated for retail rather than the beta version before you use it. Not that it'd screw anything up anyway really. It also has a guide for changing your ingame FOV:

Very handy thread over at i3d forums, has a lot of linked information, covers a whole heap of stuff, admin tools, map breakdowns, good performance and admin guides as well as some general troubleshooting:

Anyway, hope this post has been useful for some, if anyone has some good sites to share that I've missed, post 'em here and I'll include them in this post. Likewise, if you see any information I've missed in my spreadsheet, any errors or any suggestions for it too, post up and I'll sort it out.

BC2 Configuration tool (edits your settings file) - Note: that the FOV setting refers to VFOV, not HFOV - see link above for FOV calculator!: - Beware - the "View distance" slider is actually "RenderAheadLimit"

Alternative Config launcher, again not used it so can't comment on how good it is, but it does look good:'s-BC2-Config-Launcher

Bad Company 2 Soldier Stats site - tracks your Soldiers in all versions, PC, 360, PS3:

Unofficial BC2 Server Admin guide and tool downloads:

Handy info on how to remove Mouse Smoothing to improve Turret turn speed etc. - Note: Use at own risk as it requires editing game files: - original source for this:

Enjoy, and Cheers guys!
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Thanks for putting this together, good stuff.

Booo to increased bullet damage. This game gets harder for people who dont have 12hrs a day to play as they just cant compete with someone at level 30+ :mad:
Thanks for putting this together, good stuff.

Booo to increased bullet damage. This game gets harder for people who dont have 12hrs a day to play as they just cant compete with someone at level 30+ :mad:

Just hop on a hardcore server instead and rock out with your glock out. :) (I know there's no glock ingame, but rock out with your M1911 out just doesn't have the same gravitas!)
Yea shame, i think the game is missing a Glock 18c, MP5 variants and Dragunov. Very pleased to see the vintorez in there tho :D

Yeah, I agree with all of that, Silenced MP5 would be nice for engi's, although the SCAR-L is quite a similar weapon... Not unlocked the VSS yet myself though, have a lot of recon work to do!

In other news... updated post with 2 more links. :)
Regarding the configurator as someone said in the main thread the "View distance" slider is actually "RenderAheadLimit" so might want to add that to OP that people should not change this one. Dont know how to get in contact with the guy to tell him.

Another option which is contained in one of ur fragcast link is this one:'s-BC2-Config-Launcher

Tracer dart is code only? I missed out on the LE, but thought everything that you got via the codes could be got eventually by ranking, code just gave it earlier, but tracer dart just says code on the spreadsheet?
Tracer dart is code only? I missed out on the LE, but thought everything that you got via the codes could be got eventually by ranking, code just gave it earlier, but tracer dart just says code on the spreadsheet?

Can anyone confirm a LE code is needed for the tracer dart. thanks
dart is level 10,11 or 12, i cant remember which.

any guides to destruction 2.0 anyone?
Was playing against guys earlier that had explosive pouches and explosive damage on and theyd literally just run around one of the buildings and blow it up, it was devastating.
could do with knowing exactly what needs to be done to topple something thats too heavily defended, with enough rockets etc.
Regarding the tracer dart, a few sites had it up as code only and I had a good rake around and couldn't find any more info so left it at that on the spreadsheet. If someone can provide confirmation of which rank it can be attained by, I'll change it on the sheet. Cheers guys.

dart is level 10,11 or 12, i cant remember which.

any guides to destruction 2.0 anyone?
Was playing against guys earlier that had explosive pouches and explosive damage on and theyd literally just run around one of the buildings and blow it up, it was devastating.
could do with knowing exactly what needs to be done to topple something thats too heavily defended, with enough rockets etc.

As for Destruction 2.0, I can't find any guides per se, but I'd probably say that looking around at videos is best anyway. This video is a guy taking down buildings with a 40mm grenade launcher:

I've also seen some recon running around planting C4 etc. on corners of buildings to take them down too - they probably had improved demolitions + explosives leg pouch.
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Updated the spreadsheet, so it should now be completely accurate! If anyone notices discrepancies though, please let me know!

Likewise, if anyone has any suggestions for something they'd find handy added to my spreadsheet or the list of above resources, get in touch.

Cheers guys!
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