Ergonomic Monitor Arm

6 Feb 2010

I’m looking for a monitor arm that will give full movement of my 22" TFT while sitting at my desk.

Does anyone have any recommendations and how much? :cool:
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Define full movement?

I have a wall mounted arm that moves horizontal planes and also monitor tilt... do you need height adjustment as well? That is where it begins getting expensive.
Thanks for the info. The range of this wall mount looks quite limited. I can imagine still needing to lean forward over the desk (bad posture). I would like an arm (on desk or wall) that has a large range (moving forward/backwards) i.e. so the monitor would be directly above my keyboard. I want my monitor 6" from my eyes. I know it's bad but its essential.

A monitor arm that attaches to the back of my computer chair that I could pull down to the correct level would be great. Could anyone make this for me please ? ;)
I use 3 LCD107 arms for my eyefintity set up. They have a large amount of forward back movement, tilt, side to side, but no up and down movement.

I wanted a large movement for mine as I have a very large desk.

They require wall mounting

Check out the No competitor hinting! for further details on them.


View behind of the 3 brackets. Tooks some fiddling to get them in the correct position for hieght and width.

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