Red Faction Guerilla - massively underrated?

11 May 2006
Got this on steam during the christmas sale but never got round to playing it untill recently. Loved the original Red Faction, but didn't think this would be anything more than a lame console port.

So having played it for several hours, I'm just totally blown away by the awesome physics in this game, in particular, the level and complexity of the structural destruction. Put simply, the building destruction is the best I've seen in any game and makes the destruction in games like Bad Company 2 look quite frankly, pathetic. Unlike most games, I would say a good 90% of the structures in the game world can be destroyed and most impressive is the level of fidelity that is involved in the destruction.

You can literally deconstruct every building piece by piece and everything will behave realistically, i.e. you won't see part of a building hanging with no support or anything silly like that. If you just break the walls down, generally the building will stay intact, but as soon as start taking out the girders and metal support columns, things will start collapsing. The most amazing thing though is that the building will collapse very dynamically and differently, depending on what support structures you take out first. Sometimes the whole buidling may not collapse in one go and sometimes the building will not collapse initially but slowly start to shake violently as the remaining supports crumble under too much pressure. The first time you see a tower fall and fragment into smaller pieces, causing collateral damage to nearby building, is just mindblowing. :eek:

My only criticism with respect to the destuction is that the actual terrain is not desctructable which is a shame since the original red faction allowed this. Despite this though, it's still in a league of it's own and definitely worth checking out. I also imagine, fans of Just Cause 2 would love this too. :D
30 Jun 2007
it would be awesome if you could disbale the polcie tbh.

so you could spend ages planing the perfect demolition without a billion and one soliders shooting you.

Also if they released a map/building editor that would make it awesome!
28 Jul 2004
I consider it massively overrated. Most people seem to really like it but I've tried it on both X360 and PC and it simply is one of the dullest games I've played in recent years. The thing is, I think the same about Just Cause 2 and as another example, Assassin's Creed 2. Those three are pretty much in my top5 of most overrated games of all time. I don't really know what it is.. there's just nothing interesting going on in those games. I can't relate to the protagonist, I'm not feeling the story, the gameplay mechanics feel dated and/or clumsy or maybe it's the third person view. I don't know. They just feel dull and boring to play. But as I mentioned, most people like all three of those as do reviewers.

Oh well.. maybe I'm just getting too old. I've been playing Master of Magic, GalCiv2 and Deus Ex lately though there have been couple of good games released in the past few months, too..
4 Dec 2002
North Lincolnshire
I consider it massively overrated. Most people seem to really like it but I've tried it on both X360 and PC and it simply is one of the dullest games I've played in recent years. The thing is, I think the same about Just Cause 2 and as another example, Assassin's Creed 2. Those three are pretty much in my top5 of most overrated games of all time. I don't really know what it is.. there's just nothing interesting going on in those games. I can't relate to the protagonist, I'm not feeling the story, the gameplay mechanics feel dated and/or clumsy or maybe it's the third person view. I don't know. They just feel dull and boring to play. But as I mentioned, most people like all three of those as do reviewers.

Oh well.. maybe I'm just getting too old. I've been playing Master of Magic, GalCiv2 and Deus Ex lately though there have been couple of good games released in the past few months, too..

Perhaps you don't like "open ended" games which still have a linear choice system built in? I don't blame you though. I didn't like far cry 2 and just cause as I quite frankly got bored quickly. With red faction though I play it from time to time not for the story but just for the pure physics abuse you can do on that game lol. Rigging a bridge to blow then diverting traffic into it by shooting at them then detonating the bridge is just hilarious and doesn't get old quickly :p
28 Jul 2004
Perhaps you don't like "open ended" games which still have a linear choice system built in? I don't blame you though. I didn't like far cry 2 and just cause as I quite frankly got bored quickly. With red faction though I play it from time to time not for the story but just for the pure physics abuse you can do on that game lol. Rigging a bridge to blow then diverting traffic into it by shooting at them then detonating the bridge is just hilarious and doesn't get old quickly :p

Hard to say. I mean I like messing things up in open world games like GTA 4, Fallout 3, Crackdown and now Red Dead Redemption. None of those have destructible environments but I also like BC2 because it has that, and I especially liked the way physics were in Crysis. I even played through Far Cry 2 and thought it was decent though not great. But I'm just not feeling anything with the 3 games I mentioned.

Maybe I should give RF: Guerrilla one more chance during the summer as I never really got that far in it. I was doing missions and causing mayhem mostly in the first zone. AC2/JC2 don't deserve another chance though, I'm sure of that ;)
30 Jun 2007
RF has never been about plot tbh it's been about obscene violence and shooting guys through walls :p

In number 2 your default unlimited ammo weapons wasn't a pistol like most games it was a freaking grenade launcher :D

Still it did damn good physics/destruction for the ps2.
27 Nov 2009
I enjoyed it, but it certainly has flaws.

Buildings that remain standing, held in place by a single girder, Larger buildings that you'd love to see collapse but they have seemingly indestructible frames.

I really enjoyed smashing stuff in those Mechs!
6 Sep 2005
Agree with the original poster, i got it on D2D around Christmas time for a fiver. Best fiver i have spent in a long while and i have still to try multiplayer which is supposed to be good too.
It run quite well on my GTX260 but i bought a GTX480 yesterday so i will be firing this up today to see how well it handles all the debris that goes flying everywhere.
7 May 2006
United Kingdom
It doesn't have the atmosphere of GTA4, the combat is weak as anything, and the driving is awkward to say the least, but blowing stuff up for the gazillionth time still brings a smile to my face. That and smashing the EDF with the sledgehammer.
But yes, a more tactical-orientated demolition side would have been appreciated.
22 Nov 2009
Indeed, its only merit really is the ability to demolish practically anything. Its ok being able to stroll into somewhere and attempt to destroy it but by the time you've killed your 20th soldier you've got the entire EDF fleet coming down on your ass and you can't do jack **** anymore except yet another tedious drive back to the HQ because somehow the EDF magically lose track of you when you enter a canyon :confused:

Decent game but i wouldn't exactly rate it amongst the best.
8 Dec 2005
Yep agree its a very solid game. Bought it @ release for full price & got my monies worth but was a bit peeved to see them giving it away with Metro 2033 :rolleyes: way to reward the loyal PC gamers like me who paid £39.99 for it a few months earlier :(

MP is probably the best game mode as tactically deconstructing buildings then waiting to remove the final building piece to cause the collapse never gets old & so many extra weapons & power boosts like rocket packs etc etc :D
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