Operation shut that stock cooler up

17 Jan 2010
with all the hot weather lately, and due in the near future, i have been increasingly drawn to what an annoying sound the stock AMD cooler is on my 955BE, its not just annoying, it positively screams!

So with this in mind i set about today to shut it up for good.

part1, buy a suitable cooler, this will do- http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HS-009-TI&groupid=701&catid=57&subcat=1395

must say its huge, never realized it was this big.


thank the lord for these cut outs in the motherboard tray, on goes the backplate.


insert the screws and the bolts with the little white washers


after applying some Artic silver5, its time to put the actual cooler on.


had to move the ram sticks to the next bank.


attach the fan.


slide the motherboard tray back into the case, sit back and relax


after powering back up, its time to see the results, keep in mind the thermal paste has now got to cure.

thank you very much! now i know which one to get for my next build! always been an intel fan and have dived into AMD recently simply for the cost:performance ratio benefits.
cant you rotate it 90 degrees so the fan is blowing towards the case exhaust fan?

AFAIK they can only be mounting either blowing air towards the top or bottom of the case due to the rectangular socket that AMD use, I'm sure it will follow all coolers but its deffinatly the case with both the Arctic Freezer 7 Pro and the Coolermaster Hyper 212.
mine dont even go lower than 30 on a H50. im liking your big exhaust fans in the room of your case. id probs stick another fan on the otherside of the fenrir to pull the hot air through. first pic is class
You might get some issues when your graphics card is under load as well as the processor. The Gcard can heat up the sink quite a lot, if you do try putting in an antec spotcool aimed directly at your northbridage and accross the rear of the GPU chip.

I have no choice but to mount horizontally and that sorted the problem for me.
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