Problem with CS:S

2 Dec 2009
I re installed CS:S recently and it's been working fine until I decided I had gotten bored with the weapon textures I had already and I wanted to change a few of them.

So off I go to FPSBanana and download some textures for various weapons and other bits and bobs. Install them all correctly and go to test them out but when I clicked to launch CS:S in Steam it loaded up to the first loading screen then quit saying (The instruction at "########" was referenced at "#######" the memory could not be "read"). I decided to delete and re install again and I have just got back from town and I set it to launch as soon as it had finished downloading.

Lo and behold I am greeted by the same error message. Would any of you be able to tell me if I have to replace all the files with the default files (I have a copy of them on my hardrive for backup) or is there some other fix to this?

Thanks a lot,

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