Costco receipt checking

18 Oct 2002
Boring "story" (rant) alert...

Just went to Costco for the first time. 3 of us went and we asked if we could pay seperately even though only one of us is a member - "no problem" she said. One of my mates paid for his stuff, put it on the trolley and went to buy a hot dog. There was a big queue at the "resturant" so we said we'd go and load up the car. As we were leaving we get stopped by a member of staff - my mate didn't tell me about this but apparently it's "company policy" to check all customers' receipts and shopping AFTER you've gone through the CHECK OUT. Call me crazy but I always thought checking out was exactly that, not an interim stop before the "final check by the door to see if you've nicked anything point".

Anyway, he goes through our receipts and notices some extra beer in the trolley. So he goes through it again and asks if we have another receipt - yes we do but it's over at the hot dog stand so I walk back to retrieve it from him. Anal McLooney checks everything again and for some reason likes to touch everything he counts before deciding that he can't find a bag of crisps that's on the receipt but apparently not in the trolley. Who cares?! The only thing in between the checkout and the exit are car tyres - what are they expecting to find?

I can't help but wonder if this is entirely legal. Sure it says so in their terms and conditions but I didn't sign up since I'm not a member but they still allowed me to purchase items, so they've entered into a legal contract and taken my money but they aren't allowing me to leave with MY goods. I don't like this dehumanising culture. I wonder what they can do if someone just carries on walking... I might try it next time.
Standard policy in cash and carry shops like Makro, Costco and independents.

Due to the high volume of goods some people buy they check everyone's trolley before they leave for two reasons:

One: Make sure you haven't stashed some boxes under 800 other boxes

Two: To make sure that once you've left you have no comeback if you say something was missing
Due to the high volume of goods some people buy they check everyone's trolley before they leave for two reasons:

One: Make sure you haven't stashed some boxes under 800 other boxes

A member of staff loads the goods onto the check out and another member scans it. No "stashing" is possible.

Two: To make sure that once you've left you have no comeback if you say something was missing

I'd be happy to sign something on ther way out that says "I've checked my trolley myself and I waive my right to complain if anything is missing". This is because I know how to pack bags and *gasp* put them in a trolley.

They've already had 2 members of staff handling the complicated task of moving items around at the check out, now they want a 3rd person to check? Do they not trust the check out staff to do this simple task? Why not have a 4th person at the car park exit just to triple check everything in case the 3rd person made a mistake?
They could say "standard policy" is to bring a pink elephant with you - doesn't make it a legal requirement. I'm pretty sure they cannot detain a person unless they have some reasonable grounds to do so (ie. they've seen you nick something).
It's not just to check you haven't sneaked something out, it's also to check you haven't missed anything.

Some items are too heavy to put on the checkout belt so it's left in the trolley therefore checking your receipt at the door makes sure the cashier has remembered to scan it. (They don't always have two people at the tills)

Most of the time they will just do a quick check, other times if you have a lot of shopping they will check it more thoroughly. As said above Makro have the same policy.

If you don't like it then don't shop there again. What store was it out of interest?

I honestly don't know why you're getting so anal about it. You kind of proved a point about the extra beer. In your case your friend had the other receipt but someone else could've been in the same scenario but they were in fact trying to sneak it out.
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There is a MASSIVE SIGN at the exit to tell you why. Costco checks every trolley and purchase. As said above, its to ensure you got everything you have paid for and to stop thefts. You can buy things and pay for them at the checkouts without receiveing said items.

If you do not like it, do not go back. Who cares if they check your trolley?

Mountain out of a molehill. Does it affect you? NO. Then stop caring.

I honestly wonder how people like you just bend over and follow any rule without question or individual thought like a good little sheep.

Along with this...

I don't care if they have a SUPER DUPER MASSIVE SIGN IN BRIGHT GREEN at the exit. Doesn't make it legal.


Or I could just follow UK law. :)

Brings us back to this really...

I honestly wonder how people like you make it through life.
I honestly wonder how people like you just bend over and follow any rule without question or individual thought like a good little sheep.

Incorrect - I gave due consideration to the entire process and found it reasonable. If I disagree with something I will take the relevant actions and not RUN TO THE INTERNET AND CRY ABOUT IT.

Grow some testicles.
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