20M HDMI Cable ??

31 Jan 2011
Hi all I want to run a HDMI cable to my 46" TV, I have a 480se card with HDMI out coulple of Questions.

Will i get sound through the HDMI ?

Will a 20 meter hdmi cable produce any loss ?
For a cable of that length you will need to either get some amazing grade cable (v. expensive) or a setup that includes repeaters.

Instead, I would suggest using a HDMI over cat5e extender set.

As for sound, yes HDMI carries sound - just ensure the HDMI sound is set up as the default sound device in windows control panel I believe you will only get this option when the HDMI cable is connected to the TV.
There are plenty for less than £25 if you just google "20 meter HDMI lead."
If 15 metres would do then there is this one from OcUK.

I'm fairly sure there wouldn't be any loss with it being a digital signal and sound will come through yes.
That is the case for HDMI cables of 5m or less - with these pretty much anything goes and you will get full 1080p without any artifacts. However when you go well over 10m you need to approach HDMI cables in a different way - since there is signal loss.

From wikipedia:

Although no maximum length for a HDMI cable is specified, signal attenuation (dependent on the cable's construction quality and conducting materials) limits usable lengths in practice.[58] HDMI 1.3 defines two cable categories: Category 1-certified cables, which have been tested at 74.5 MHz (which would include resolutions such as 720p60 and 1080i60), and Category 2-certified cables, which have been tested at 340 MHz (which would include resolutions such as 1080p60 and 2160p30).[55][59][60] Category 1 HDMI cables are to be marketed as "Standard" and Category 2 HDMI cables as "High Speed".[1] This labeling guideline for HDMI cables went into effect on October 17, 2008.[61][62] Category 1 and 2 cables can either meet the required parameter specifications for interpair skew, far-end crosstalk, attenuation and differential impedance, or they can meet the required nonequalized/equalized eye diagram requirements.[59] A cable of about 5 meters (16 ft.) can be manufactured to Category 1 specifications easily and inexpensively by using 28 AWG (0.081 mm²) conductors.[58] With better quality construction and materials, including 24 AWG (0.205 mm²) conductors, a HDMI cable can reach lengths of up to 15 meters (49 ft.).[58] Many HDMI cables under 5 meters of length that were made before the HDMI 1.3 specification can work as Category 2 cables, but only Category 2-tested cables are guaranteed to work.[63]
I'd personally find another way for your setup/requirements. Andi is right, you will be wanting a high quality cable at those lengths. Find another solution or pay the premium.
I'm sure a cheap cable will be fine, I have never had problems using huge cable lengths. Just buy 2 cheap cables and then connect them with a hdmi to hdmi adaptor.
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cheers guys, might try a "reasonable" cable first if it does not work then i can just send it back. i once used 5 X 5 meter usb cables for a printer making 25 meters and the shop said it will never work and that worked flawlessly for years lol, but there is more data in hdmi im sure.

Is there any way i can do it over my lan ?

PC connected via gigabit lan to router that is next to my tv (about a meter away) but pc is over other side of living room :(
Unfortunately, HDMI over cat5e won't work like that. It doesn't actually use the cables like in a normal network - instead it re-purposes them for dedicated HDMI use and makes use of their low signal loss characteristics to provide long and relatively cheap cable runs between HDMI devices. To transfer the HDMI signal, two cat5e (or cat6) cables are required and they run in parallel between the extender boxes.
I'll be surprised if a standard cable works over 20m to be honest. I had problems with a 7m DVI cable leading to sparklies at higher resolutions.
HDMI is digital, if it works it works, you can't have any loss of quality as any signal drop will still only be capable of producing 1s and 0s. Give a cheap one a go and as you say, if it doesn't work you can send it back.

I run a 15m HDMi cable to my TV, it works fine and it cost me about a tenner 2 years ago I think.
By that logic you could run a HDMI cable to the moon and back and the signal will be fine.

In reality you get signal attenuation, even with a digital signal and you need to combat this with either higher grade cable or active signal repeaters. More info here.

Most likely with a 15m £10 cable you either got lucky with a good value/nice quality cable, the devices on either end of the cable are good (good error correction and sensitivity) or you aren't noticing the evidence of HDMI signal loss (artifacts like sparklies).
I know that may be some signal loss but I thought it was negligable stuff you would never notice in the real world, seems some people have different experiences, I would still go with a HDMI, just look at the reviews of a few, if they seem mostly good then buy and send back if faulty as others have said.

Asked my mate who uses a cheap 15 metre and he says he hasn't noticed any differences since he moved from the 2m~ one he used to have.
VGA/Dsub actually can support 1080p and beyond - but whether 1080p over VGA will work in this 20m situation depends on a couple of things:

- does the TV support 1080p via the VGA/PC connection. Often HDTVs don't allow full 1080p via this input method.
- is the cable high quality enough to support a 1080p signal over the 20m length

Personally, I wouldn't go down the VGA route for this situation - as mentioned it is an analogue connection and a very long length. The best/cheapest option is HDMI over cat5e/cat6 IMHO.
i bought a 15m cable for relatively little money (for a 15m hdmi cable :p ) and it works - beutifully - computer in one room, hdtv in another :)

(running at 1080p np :) )
cheers guys im going to get a 20m HDMI and give it a go, I must say on my 3 HDMI cable i have one of them being a £50 top of the range cable that a couple of people convinced me they make a difference, well i bought another off the bay for £1.20 !!! yes £1.20 as i just needed one for my surround sound (just to set it up and adjust things now and again) and out of interest tried it on my BD player............ NO DIFFERENCE between the £50 and the £1.20 cable !!!! i even got one of my mates who thinks it does make a difference showed him and asked him what one was not he could not see any difference what so ever so im a little hesitant to spend a fortune on a cable
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