Also placing ReadyBoost onto a RAM disk is just as stupid. The kernel already performs in-memory caching of I/O. The purpose of ReadyBoost is to provide a second-level cache in the form of a USB memory stick. "Tricking" Windows into using a RAM disk instead is pointless as it is already performing in-memory caching and the RAM disk is just wasting space that could have been used by that first-level cache.
I see where your coming from, and don't totally disagree with you. However there is a case to use a small readyboost (say 1GB of a 16GB system).
Readyboost caches HDD clusters that are regularly used. Windows pre-fetch will cache executable files only (at least dll's, exe's), but not data files (text, images, outlook file etc).
Your very correct that windows will catch files, but it won't cache data files to the extent Readyboost will.
Incidently I
don't have readyboost on ramdisk, I do however have readyboost stored on SSD. The following was my thread on this, however I now use 2 spanned SSD's.
I would say in normal operation (once everything is loaded) around 50% of disk reads is Readyboost alone. This is activity that windows memory management has not cached. Dispite having 16GB of ram, if I turn of readyboost my system runs slower (including timed visual studio builds timed with watch). It even sounds louder, as HDD's are working harder once the ssd readyboost is removed.
I keep intending to do some youtube performance videos showing build times, and performance when working with large images etc, and how the counters on SSD readyboost ramp up and reduce / prevent HDD reads.
The ReadyBoost second-level cache is only used for I/O that is known to be random in nature (not sequential).
Well according to MS that's correct, however I've seen large amounts of data going into Readyboost. For example I've performed SQL queries (sql database stored on HDD), and 10's of MB a second have been written to the readyboost.
I've also worked with 15-20MB Camera Raw files (hundreds of them), and once I start working with these, again the readyboost caches these all up. When I switch between images you can see the Readyboost reads, and reads of these files from HDD begin to stop.
I will say Windows 7 does a benchmark of the readyboost (transparent to user). My only explanation is it tests the SSD's realises the speed and prepared to store larger data than it would a memory stick.