Yeah, nice Ray, i like your 'normal' style, but this is more subtle, but yet, seem to still 'pop'.
I don't think you could mix the 2 styles in one set though? (not that i am sugesting you will be )
Also noticed you have started removing your exif data?
I'm not sure I like the new style as much of the old style!
What I do get from the style is an Autumnal/Winter feeling that would suit weddings of those seasons but the vibrant colours from your previous set better suit Spring/Summer weddings...
Hope that makes sense. (PS this is not a criticism, I just love the vibrancy of your old style and I don't think the new style would have given the same wow factor as the old style in a lot of the shots in your 2011 wedding thread).
Ps. I'm no pro so just ignore all my comments