Free OcUK Poker Game Tonight 20:30

5 May 2004
Northern Ireland

Heads up for the regulars and the newbies alike.

The game is free No Limit Texas Hold Em Poker at 8.30pm.

You will need to download PokerStars and bring your best game to the table as its tough to get onto the last table for those important points.

For new people don't worry about the league and come have some fun. This will be the sixth game tonight. There is only 12 games this year so don't worry if you can't make them all just come have some fun.

Table Name: Overclockers (Under Home Games Section)
Password: N/A registration is approved by me
Time: 20:30
The game will take place at Poker Stars - Here.
Main thread is Here.
Everyone is welcome
Please read the rules in the main thread and I'll look forward to seeing you there at 20:30

Please can you keep all the chatter to the main poker thread thanks. Any queries post in there.
You are invited to join my private poker club for Home Games online.

- If you don't already have it, download the free PokerStars software from
- Open the main poker lobby, then click on the Home Games tab
- Click the 'Join a Poker Club' button
- Enter my Club ID number: 184775
- Enter my Invitation Code: ferrari599GTO

That's it! Once I've approved your membership request, we'll be ready to start playing Home Games online together.

If you want to find out more, visit

Also note that you need to post in the main thread poker name against your ocukname for me to verify who you are.

There you go.

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