I am pushing the button on a parts for a new system later today. 2500k based, 16gb ram, SSD
Have HDDs, Enrermax 1000w PSU and optical drives.
I run three monitors but game on one at 1920x1200
Is it a horrible idea to pick up an AMD GPU today (in terms of the impending release of the 7000 series)? Realistically how long will it be before the new GPUs are out? And realistically will one of the cards I mention above allow me to max out games for a while anyway?
Intend to play BF3, star wars mmo in short term
I have the budget through work to buy the whole system today. I could hold off on the GPU and use some 8800gtx s I have sli for a bit but would end up buying new GPU myself that way. What you good people do?
I have a set budget so could delay the card and spend more on 2600k/2700k, better cooling or whatever so not a loss as such to delay.
Have HDDs, Enrermax 1000w PSU and optical drives.
I run three monitors but game on one at 1920x1200
Is it a horrible idea to pick up an AMD GPU today (in terms of the impending release of the 7000 series)? Realistically how long will it be before the new GPUs are out? And realistically will one of the cards I mention above allow me to max out games for a while anyway?
Intend to play BF3, star wars mmo in short term
I have the budget through work to buy the whole system today. I could hold off on the GPU and use some 8800gtx s I have sli for a bit but would end up buying new GPU myself that way. What you good people do?
I have a set budget so could delay the card and spend more on 2600k/2700k, better cooling or whatever so not a loss as such to delay.