Essential OSX Appstore Apps?



13 Jun 2003
In front of PC
I have searched but not found this. I would like suggestions for essential or recommended OSX Appstore apps.

So for I have:

Sparrow (for gmail)
MplayerX - (movies/videos)
Is it just me or are there just not that many app for OSX as compared to iPhone/iPad? Hopefully will grow a useful list of apps. Very impressed with MplayerX so far, cant fault it yet. Much better the Quicktime with perian and VLC.

On a side note is there away to use 2 finger swipe in the appstore on trackpad to go backwards and forwards like in Safari? I know u can use keyboard option key + [ or ].
Pixelmator (great photoshop alternative for those who aren't professionals and just need a bit of lightweight editing)
Flow (Really nice FTP/SFTP client)
Textual IRC Client
iStudiez Pro (Organising your uni/college life!)
Netuse Traffic Monitor (SNMP application to see your overall Internet usage across the network (in regards to speed and data used))
iNet - Not terribly well featured but it's quite nice for quick viewing the status of your network devices.
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Most of these have already been mentioned but I will post them again to reiterate how good they are.

1Password - I use this everyday. Great integration with osx and incredibly useful.

Reeder - Probably the best RSS client for the mac. Make google reader much more feature rich and easier to use.

MplayerX - The best go to video app. I have stopped using VLC altogether now.
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