I'm looking for a distro of Linux which will recognise my WiFi USB Dongle with no messing around, looks good, easy to use, and will allow me to install Wine easily so I can install Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
I like the look of Linux Ultimate, and I like the ease-of-use of Ubuntu...
So, what would you recommend?
Just done a bit of browsing on Google and seen a lot about Linux Mint for Desktop or Arch for customizing...Which would be the better out of the 2? And ideally would recognise my USB wifi dongle as well
I like the look of Linux Ultimate, and I like the ease-of-use of Ubuntu...
So, what would you recommend?
Just done a bit of browsing on Google and seen a lot about Linux Mint for Desktop or Arch for customizing...Which would be the better out of the 2? And ideally would recognise my USB wifi dongle as well
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