Xbox controller support in OSX Lion

11 May 2007
Anyone managed to get an Xbox controller working in Lion. Im specifically looking at hooking up a Rock Band drum kit to use as an input device in Logic.

I've done a bit of research and tried a few things to get it to work but I can't seem to get it working. If anyone has had any luck I'd be interested to know what you did.

Thanks in advance.
Aye it's those I've tried but they've not worked. Device not recognised. I can see the details of the kit through System Profile under USB, but I just can't seem to get it visible with either tattieboogies drivers or Xbox HID drivers (another driver).
I have a problem using my wired 360 controller with tattieboogies drivers on my Macbook Pro. On the controller driver all triggers show up correctly but when I play in games like Modern Combat and Nova 2 the trigger buttons aren't detected which makes these games useless for me :(

Any ideas?
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