My New Business

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Wise Guy
23 May 2009
Basically I've designed a DIY kit people can buy for constructing a faraday cage of sorts. It is a 4'x4'x7' unit that is electromagnetically, thermally, and IR/UV/visually shielded from the outside.

This product will be marketed to people suffering from what I call Erotophasmophobia, or in lay man's terms - the fear of ghosts watching you masturbate. While you are inside the unit you will be completely shielded from their prying eyes (or whatever they see with, electro-telepathy or whatever).

Think of how many people believe in ghosts and watch Ghost Hunters and stuff like that... now think how many practice self-gratification. Now think of how many will develop the phobia when my advertising material shows them the connection. I really think this could take off.
hahaha a bit late for April's Fool Day.

I can sell you better business with turn over of £50,000 pa or more depending on how much you put into it.
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