UEFA Euro 2012 Last Man Standing (Round 2)

9 Jun 2004
It looks like Nossmayo has forgot about this so here's a quick thread for round 2.

Players remaining:
Sycho, SideWinder, MooMoo444, Gooner Leroy, CliffyG, manic111, GIBURROWS, Lead_Head, shipinabottle, Nauggie, AmTechFox, BaZ87, Lonewolf, The Pat, mp260767, Pigeon_Killer, Monkeymatt, sunny007, Shamikebab, shadow_boxer, Miguél, Gilly, Nossmayo, Silent-Lucidity, Russinating.

Round 2 Fixtures:
Greece - Czech Republic
Poland - Russia
Denmark - Portugal
Netherlands - Germany
Italy - Croatia
Spain - Ireland
Ukraine - France
Sweden - England

Remember that you can't pick the same side you picked in round 1. Try to get your team in by 17:00 Tuesday but if you're lucky, Nossmayo might allow late entries given that this has gone up so late.
BaZ's thread was quite late so I think it would only be fair to allow the players that are yet to pick a team the chance to pick from the teams that play tomorrow and Thursday. Revert back to normal rules for round 3? :)

I'll stick with Croatia but yeah ok anyone else who is yet to select for this round can pick a team playing Wednesday or Thursday (by 5pm tomorrow).
Given how close the games and rounds are perhaps it would be wise to post our teams for round 3 in advance so we don't miss out? If our round two teams lose or draw our round 3 choices would be void.
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