Cooking with Spud - Fillet Steak avec Snails

8 Nov 2006
Ireland/Northern Ireland Border
Like many of us I often go away on holiday and return with foodie items that are hard to find at home. I picked these up on my last trip to Paris.


I was wondering what to do with them and I thought "Steak and snails is pretty classic"


Recipe :

1 x Fillet Steak
1 dz Snails
2 shallots
2-3 cloves of garlic
some parsley
a decent knob of butter
some rocket to garnish

I used this Hawaiian black salt which has volcanic ash in it. It really adds something I think.


1. Prep your shallots and garlic. Chop up and pop into a small bowel.
2. Cook your steak on a hot griddle pan. (Or however you like it. I like mine blue)
3. I then pop my steak onto a warm plate in the oven. I have the over on at about 60 degrees to keep things warm. The steak will rest while you prep the rest.
4. Into a pan with hot butter add the garlic and finely chopped shallots.


5. After they have taken on a lovely golden colour add the snails straight from the tin.


6. Toss them around over a medium heat for about 3-4 minutes and then add the chopped parsley.


7. Finally take out you steak from the oven. Pour the snails over it and serve with some dressed rocket on the side.


8. Nomnomnom

If anyone wants to know what the snails look like on their own :

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I'm going to have to try this, last time I had snails with steak they were delicious. Need lots of garlic though.
Looks good.

I like snails but had some absolutely disgusting ones in Belgium. They were in a plastic tub with a clear sort of broth (which just tasted like hot water) and they were big like garden snails rather than the French ones. they were removed from their shells but still had the little hard bit that attaches to the shell on them, so pretty much looked like slugs. You had to drink the warm snaily water afterwards, no garlic or any flavour, just rank.

On the other hand had a lovely snail and egg dish at le Gavroche last time I went, that was wow. They need garlic / butter.
The tinned snails I have are precooked and were actually better than most restaurant bought snails in Paris. Most French restaurants use tinned snails and I think the ones I bought were a very good brand.

I bought them in a very well known food shop in Paris just off rue Montorgueil.
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