Essential OS X apps

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco
Not sure what's happen to the thread or even if there was one to start off with, but there seems to be and iPhone/Ipod one and Ipad one but no OS X one.

I start with a little gem, HyperDock. Windows Explorer is better than Finder at certain things and this adds certain features that should be standard within finder. It allows better windows/panel management, as it gives you a preview of the windows it has open for that app if you hover over the dock icon. It also allows you to close or move focus to that window.

What it also does is to give you a snap. There is a demo of it on the manufactures website to try before you buy as its quite costly considering the prices of other apps.
I'm sure this has been done before but here goes anyway.

TotalFinder - Adds lots to Finder
Alfred - App Launcher and lots of other things
1Password - Password utility
Dropbox - Cloud storage
iStat Menus - Monitoring utility
Reeder - RSS
Twitterrific - Twitter

These are the first apps I install and are essential to me.
Scrivener - quite possibly one of the best ways to put together long-form bits of writing, really easy to structure and organise arguments in essays. It doesn't replace Word as it isn't a word processor, it's more of a writing tool. I personally plan and write in Scrivener then export to Word to fine-tune the formatting

Evernote - cloud enabled note taking app

Bartender - unclutters your menu bar

GFXstatus - notifies you if your MBP is using the discrete or integrated GPU

flux - adjusts the colour temperature of your screen based on the sun's position so that you get less eye strain at night. Supposedly helps your body clock too since screens are daylight balanced.
My favourite OSX apps are:

Sublime Text 2
Git Tower
Colour Snapper
Pixelmator.. far cheaper than photoshop and in some sense better that photoshop esp if you dont use the photoshop plugins.
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