
23 Jul 2009
I'm back, and have begun sorting out all the horrendously overexposed shots from my full 8GB memory card. Here are a few that I've tidied up briefly.










And more to come!
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Thanks! I'll have a twiddle with the perspective for those ones. There were so many times (especially in St Peter's) that I would have killed to get all the other tourists out for just 5 minutes. Every shot has a head cropped out just out of the frame! I have a great straight-on shot of 4, but some douche walked in front of me so I had to angle upwards :(

E: any better now?
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Yeah, I think so :)

Yeah, for reference, a decent stop filter, you can get 9 stops for far too much, but less than a ten top (about £70-90 I think). With a tripod (not that I expect you could use one there), you can do a long exposure with the filter on to expose out the people.

Yeah I did consider that (I don't have one, but I did long for a big stopper at the time). I didn't bring my tripod anyway, because frankly the amount of walking we did would have crippled me if I was carrying it!

Last one for tonight. Beautiful view from the cupola of St Peter's (well worth the 550 stairs!). Not sure what went wrong on the left edge of the frame, but at least the main centro 'storico is sharp enough (for a kit lens anyway :p)


Also available in widescreen! (wishing I had shot more of the left side to balance it, but it was pretty rubbish urban stuff)

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You've caught some really nice images there, I particularly like some of the less obvious ones like the colums around St Marks square and the nice composition of you classic Pantheon shot
Loving the pictures there Dev - we were there a few years back and seeing your pictures brings back memories and reminds me of how much I'd love to go back.

Looking at your pics - the 6th one in your OP (with the columns) is fantastic and is definitely my favourite :)
The columns were one of the few shots where I felt I knew what the composition had to be. That's the outer ring, and the inner ring was teeming with tourists just out of shot so we were lucky to get one without distracting people in it.

No Sistine Chapel because we were stupid enough to go on a Sunday :( Next time!

Thanks for the kind comments guys.
No Sistine Chapel because we were stupid enough to go on a Sunday :( Next time!

Photos are forbidden in there anyway (there is a big sign outside the door), there are guards looking at all the tourist to see they don't take any photos. There was basically a deal done years ago by some Japanese company who restored it and they actually hold the copyright for it. So to take photos of that and post it online is not a good idea.
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Photos are forbidden in there anyway (there is a big sign outside the door), there are guards looking at all the tourist to see they don't take any photos. There was basically a deal done years ago by some Japanese company who restored it and they actually hold the copyright for it. So to take photos of that and post it online is not a good idea.

I went about 15 years ago and managed to get a photo by sitting down on a step, setting my OM40 on self timer then sitting it on the floor pointing up then pretending to do something else while it took the picture. Got away with it too but it's a bit dark and on transparency so not much latitude to recover details.
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