GRID 2 - Fastest Lap Competition (lots of prizes) **Sponsored by Codemasters**

22 Aug 2010
As the title explains, we have a quality competition for you guys which we've had prizes given to us from Codemasters for - so a big thankyou for that!

GRID2 is the latest title from Codemasters, and you'll already need it to enter the competition. The competition starts now, and will end on Friday 21st June 2013.

Not got GRID2? Get it FREE when you buy selected Haswell/4th Generation Intel items:

How to enter?
Check out my graphic below for more information on how to enter.

Entries must be posted here on the Forums in this thread. If you haven't already bought the game, you can purchase it here with us or get it FREE with selected 4th Generation Intel products ! If you can't make it into the top3, we would still like to see the best you could achieve!


**IMPORTANT** Recording / Proof :

2 Items of proof will be needed for the competition

1) Steam Screenshot of the final leaderboard. Steam Screenshots MUST be named including "Overclockers UK Grid 2 Competition" Remeber set to public. See the example below for this.
2) Video record of the lap in Grid 2 and uploaded to YouTube. Unfortunately you can only record 31 seconds in the game's own YouTube recorder, so you'll need to record 2 parts to the video. (only fastest lap needed, not the whole 3 laps). You may use other screen recording software. You must put "Overclockers UK Grid 2 Competition" and "part 1 / part 2" in the YouTube title for verification
2a.) You'll need to make sure you register a Racenet account and link your YouTube (using the gear cog icon in the top right) (Only if you are using the in game recorder)


Current Leader Board

Forum Name | Time | Proof | Video - Current time to beat 00:34.993

1st.Greeny1994 | 34.993 | | Pt1 | Pt2
2nd.Uncle_Gravy | 00:35.282 | |
3rd.CentyPoo | 00:35.483 | |

-----Closely Following------

- Lucchini | 00:35:846 | (AWAITING STEAM SCREENSHOT. NEEDED) |

- DannyCHEST |00:36:012 | | (awaiting video)

- illuz |00:36:022 | |

Example : Valkia | 00:36:786 | | Part1: Part2: (I didn't record second part, but you need to if using the GRID2 in-game record feature)





Only £22.99 inc VAT.


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The competition will run as follows :
- Both parts of the proof MUST be present to be successfully entered into the competition
- Competition ends Tuesday 21st June @ 12.00pm
- Overclockers UK has full rights to the competition
- Overclockers UK hold the right to change/amend the competition
- OcUK Employees are not allowed to enter
- We may disqualify entries if foul play is in order
Cool competition, though i'm gutted that the competition is biased towards fastest finishes.

I will only have a chance if there's an entry for fastest DNF :D
dumb question, how do you find time attack mode?

is it online or through wsr? seems to be on both, the grid 2 time attack mode is a bit dumb, no ghost laps, other cars on circuit at the same time.

All these have been raised on the grid 2 forums though, its a bit half thought out.

Also the nsx-r , can it be modified or not?

The time attack mode in grid was great, you load ghost laps, see leaderboards, none of that made it over to this.
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dumb question, how do you find time attack mode?

is it online or through wsr? seems to be on both, the grid 2 time attack mode is a bit dumb, no ghost laps, other cars on circuit at the same time.

All these have been raised on the grid 2 forums though, its a bit half thought out.

Also the nsx-r , can it be modified or not?

WSR, not online. You can find Time Attack by going to Custom Events (second option after career), change event type from "Race" to "Time Attack" and selecting Tier 3 for the car. As far as i'm aware all cars are stock and can't be modified - or I haven't gotten to that option. But car's must be stock.
Perfect timing, receiving my 770 today so i'll be having a good crack at this.

Shame I've already got the Car packs....But I could always do with a goodie bag:D Are we told what's in the Goodie bag or is it a big secret?

Just got that. The NSX is a horrible handling car. Have a feeling some people may be able to get low 35's. What about rules of a complete clean lap, 4 wheels off the track means it doesn't count, maybe?

Some areas of the track you can take advantage of going off track and not get a penalty for it.

Not recorded as i want to see what other people are getting first.

Just got that. The NSX is a horrible handling car. Have a feeling some people may be able to get low 35's. What about rules of a complete clean lap, 4 wheels off the track means it doesn't count, maybe?

Some areas of the track you can take advantage of going off track and not get a penalty for it.

Not recorded as i want to see what other people are getting first.

Good time, we need to video recording - if you have this it will currently place you first. Also screenshots must be linked to your steam page with the screenshot and the description. If someone does beat the time, you can retry :)
Well this is an easy win for me then guys. Good luck fighting for second :D

Haha joking aside this should be good fun and definitely going to give it a crack.
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