Mad Max Game

Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
From the same developers that produced the Just Cause franchise.

It's going to be an open world game, so might be similar in play style to Just Cause 2, which isn't a bad thing in my opinion.

Play as Mad Max, a lone warrior who must embark on a perilous journey after his Interceptor is stolen by a deadly gang of marauders. A reluctant hero with an instinct for survival, Max wants nothing more than to leave the madness behind and find solace in the storied "Plains of Silence".

Really looking forward to this one. Nice to see it's coming to PC, too. Should wind up being pretty good since it's made by Avalanche. Could have been all too easy to make some shovel-ware movie tie in to go with the new Mad Max film.

Not a whole lot of information on it yet though. Really hoping we hear more about it soon.
So it's by the peeps behind Just Cause eh ..... Very interesting indeed.

Thanks for the heads up barmyllama, this is definitely worth watching.
I really enjoyed Just Cause 2, so hopefully they can take some of the good stuff from that game and produce something pretty special.
No interceptor Talks about wandering rather than driving

I want supercharged v8 sounds :(
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