Too many tomatoes!

13 Sep 2009
So we have far too many tomatoes growing in the greenhouse, so what to do with them?
I have already made masses of passata and tomato soup for the freezer, any other ideas?
Yep get some bottles, ketchup and chutney.

Planted mine a little late, massives of green rooms on them now, won't make much though as only have two plants.
I'll pay postage?

Eat them, I eat tomatoes by the bucketload, just a little salt on it, good gravy thats good.

You could make tomato wine? Or some ketchup?
I always have hundreds of green tomatoes growing, but then it gets to this time of year and the weather turns bad and they don't ripen!
I always have hundreds of green tomatoes growing, but then it gets to this time of year and the weather turns bad and they don't ripen!

Make some green tomato chutney! Trust me, it is lovely. Just cracked into my 2011 vintage. It gets better with age, as long as you properly sterilise your jars and do it properly it will last for years. Kind of hoping some of this years crop do not ripen.

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