Best keyboard for about £40-60?

4 Jun 2009
Think it is about time I retire my 5+ year old saitek eclipse II as the keys are wearing out a bit plus sometimes it doesn't seem to respond to a key press :(

So, requirements/preferences:

- must be durable i.e. last for at least 2/3 years i.e. key paint or whatever not wearing out (this will be getting A LOT of use)
- I quite like backlit keys, however, don't like keyboards were the back lighting shines through the gaps, the most annoying problem with my current KB! :mad:
- must be pretty quite to type on
- don't necessarily care about extra macro keys and all that other stuff

Would quite like wireless this time round, however, I am having a hard time finding a wireless backlit keyboard for my sort of price range....

Would like something that isn't massive, looks pretty minimal i.e. not full on gamer look like the cyborg keyboards

keys must feel nice to touch and preferably using some sort of finish that doesn't get grubby (find that with the eclipse II keys, they can get a sticky grubby look/feel after a week of use), need someone to confirm this for the below keyboards?

Uses; gaming (mainly FPS online i.e. BF4) + typing

So far the only keyboards I can see that I like the look of are:

Logitech K750 - have read reports that the solar charging/battery is pretty shocking and the keyboards don't seem to last very long (but not an issue due to logitech's superb CC), only complaint with it is the lack of back lighting

Razer deathstalker essential - like the look of this keyboard a lot and currently the one that I am leaning towards the most

Microsoft SideWinder X4 - this seems to get great reviews all round especially for the price

or possibly the Logitech G110 if it is "really" worth it over the other ones?

Anything else around that price range that I should be looking at? Don't want to go above £60/65
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I have the sidewinder and I am really happy with it.

Looks great on the desk with the adjustable backlit keys and is nice and comfy to use when gaming.

The only critiscm of the keyboard is that the keys are a little cramped so it takes some time to get used to typing on it. It is very nice to type on though and the keys give a reassuring click when pressed.

Apart from that it's great and I thoroughly reccomend it :)
Thanks :)

I think it is between that and the deathstalker......

What is the finish of the plastic for the keys like? Does it get grubby quickly?

Wish there was a shop near me where I could try them out first! :(

What do people think of this keyboard:

BTW see this version of the deathstalker, I presume it doesn't have the green back lighting?

And this is the one that has the green back lighting?


yup the cheaper version doesn't have the backlit keys :(
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it depends ive tried blues reds and browns keys

the quietest in noise was red they felt to me like a membrane keyboard
the blues feel amazing but they are very noisy lots of click click click

the browns are between them both have a nice feeling but not as noisy as blues
but overall the mechanical keyboards are more noisy

I went to my local national store tried the keys worked out what i liked, then bought mine off ocuk
if your worried about the noise I would try them first but even then you should probably try them to get the correct keys
Any mechanical keyboard you buy your likely to still be using it in 5 years time.
its important to buy the correct one.
My 6yr old Eclipse II is starting to have similar issues, so will be interesting to see what you decide to get and how you find it vs the Eclipse.
it depends ive tried blues reds and browns keys

the quietest in noise was red they felt to me like a membrane keyboard
the blues feel amazing but they are very noisy lots of click click click

the browns are between them both have a nice feeling but not as noisy as blues
but overall the mechanical keyboards are more noisy

I went to my local national store tried the keys worked out what i liked, then bought mine off ocuk
if your worried about the noise I would try them first but even then you should probably try them to get the correct keys
Any mechanical keyboard you buy your likely to still be using it in 5 years time.
its important to buy the correct one.

Yeah had a read through that "red, blue, brown....." thread last night and brown seems to be the best for me but as you said, still louder than non-mechanical keyboards :( Had a quick glimpse at some of the CM mech. keyboard reviews and supposedly they have that clunky noise.....

Unfortunately there is nowhere near me that has mechanical keyboards, only a few gamer ones and standard £20 keyboards :(

My 6yr old Eclipse II is starting to have similar issues, so will be interesting to see what you decide to get and how you find it vs the Eclipse.

Finding it very hard to find a keyboard that I "really" like the look of :(

Would probably have gone with the deathstalker if it had back lit keys.

So far it seems to be sidewinder X4...

Would really like to have gone with Logitech due to their superb CS but they don't have many keyboards that I like the look of + supposedly a lot of their "non gamer" ones have ghosting problems.
like the look of the corsair keyboards:

Any idea when those are coming in stock and when reviews will come in?

And then there is this more expensive one.


yup, I really like the look of them :D :p

Solid aluminium for the K50 too?! :eek: and by the looks of it, the same for the k30...


Think I might go with the K30 when in stock as the only difference between it and the k50 seems to be less macro keys, only red back lighting (which I am happy with) and no wrist rest, that is quite a bit of a price difference for three differences (minor ones too imo) :/


the k30 doesn't have any metal so that explains the price difference :p
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Is mechanical "really" worth it? I don't care too much about the keyboard lasting for as long as possible as I like to change/upgrade to something new every 3-4 years and all my previous keyboards (non-mechanical) have been just fine.

It is either:

- the K30

Love the look of this overall (much prefer it to the sidewinder x4), only thing I don't know about is how loud/quite it is....

- CM Storm Quickfire TK Mechanical Keyboard - Brown Switch

- CM Storm Quickfire TK Mechanical Keyboard - Red Switch

Like the last two keyboards, however, a bit too plain and quite "dated" looking imo, the brown switch has white back lit keys, which I am not too fussed on........ so am looking at the red switch since it has red back lighting :p :o Although I also think it might be better for me since it should be quieter than brown switch, however, my only concern is that the keys might be a bit too easy to press/activate........
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Still can't decide between the red and brown switches on cm rapid fire keyboards :o :o :o

Still leaning towards the red switches:

- a bit quieter
- better for long hours of gaming [can be gaming for 3-5 hours usually] (only FPS, use a 360 controller for most other non FPS games these days)

But then I do a fair bit of typing as well i.e. reviews, post here a fair bit and word documents etc. (not as often this though)

Not too bothered about white or red back lighting, although I think the red would be easier on the eyes than white as I find pink and blue on my eclipse II to be a bit too "bright" and distracting.....
Went with the cm storm in the end and couldn't be happier! :)

Worth the money.

Will post a brief review next week but main things so far:

- a fair bit louder than membrane when you bottom out the keys but it does sound nicer :p
- superb build quality, keyboard is so solid
- looks really nice and sleek, back lighting is amazing
- keys feel great to type and game on
- fingers no longer get cramped/tired

Just taking a bit of getting use to the Fn keys plus num pad/delete key setup.
which switches did you go with, i want to order the CM Storm TK blues but on ocuk it says it has red led backlighting, but reviews say the blue has blue backlighting
The K30 is an absolute bargain, all it loses from the K50 is you only get one row of macro keys and the backlight can't be customised its red only.

I just got the K50 and it is phenomenal but also massive, I wish I had got the K30 instead. I don't like the wrist rest either, don't thinkl the k30 comes with a rest.
which switches did you go with, i want to order the CM Storm TK blues but on ocuk it says it has red led backlighting, but reviews say the blue has blue backlighting

Red switches

Ocuk are using the wrong images and wrong description

red switches - red back lighting
blue switches - blue back lighting
brown switches - white back lighting

The K30 is an absolute bargain, all it loses from the K50 is you only get one row of macro keys and the backlight can't be customised its red only.

I just got the K50 and it is phenomenal but also massive, I wish I had got the K30 instead. I don't like the wrist rest either, don't thinkl the k30 comes with a rest.

Yeah the K30 looks absolutely amazing especially for the price (quite surprising tbh considering it is a corsair product......) and did tick everything I originally wanted but once you go mechanical, there is no going back :p Just love the feel of these red switches.
which switches did you go with, i want to order the CM Storm TK blues but on ocuk it says it has red led backlighting, but reviews say the blue has blue backlighting

Hi Hakank68,

I can confirm that the CM Storm TK with Blue switches has a blue backlight.

Also for more cherry switch information please check here
Red switches

Ocuk are using the wrong images and wrong description

red switches - red back lighting
blue switches - blue back lighting
brown switches - white back lighting

Yeah the K30 looks absolutely amazing especially for the price (quite surprising tbh considering it is a corsair product......) and did tick everything I originally wanted but once you go mechanical, there is no going back :p Just love the feel of these red switches.

Hi Hakank68,

I can confirm that the CM Storm TK with Blue switches has a blue backlight.

Also for more cherry switch information please check here

Thanks guys, i was just a little confused :D
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