Show me your Mugs!

24 Dec 2005
What does you mug say about you?

Please post a picture of your mugs:)

This is mine (slightly out of focus):o

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Google a black mug and you've got mine. It cost 1e and works fine. I would like to get my paws on one of those massive mugs though, as one mug of tea will never be sufficient..

Handle is fragile and about to fall off so only have it as decoration now.

Got a monkey island stein from telltale CE, for when i want a massive drink. Will take a pic in a bit.
Also got a glass mug which i use most.
How much was that mug? I've got some red ones from asda identicle but without any printing on them £4 for 4 I think it was...

No idea. Was a few years ago. I got four of them, two and two Black Mesa ones. I do remember them being a bit pricey though.

Got screwed on import charges. They're good but not my favourite ones here, I'll upload some shots of my favourites tomorrow.
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