

8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

As many of you will have noticed, we are awaiting prodigy stock currently.

I thought I would give you all some feedback and firm ETAs.

We have containers landing next week:

Tue 29 Oct
Wed 30 Oct
Thu 31 Oct

these contain all prodigy colour ways, prodigy accessories and a restock of all key BitFenix case lines.

This also includes physical UK stock of Prodigy M

any questions, just let me know here and I will do my best to answer.
yes, you read that right....containers!

so get buying fast or we'll have a lot of cases to count during our next stock take!
yes, you read that right....containers!

so get buying fast or we'll have a lot of cases to count during our next stock take!

How often do you guys stocktake? (as I know things 'appear' on B grade when do you do one! ;) )

Thankfully only do one a year here! (where 3 of us have to count 2.4 million plants! :eek:)
We have containers on:

Tue 29 Oct
Wed 30 Oct
Thu 31 Oct

These containers will have different Bitfenix products in, and will be booked in our warehouse ASAP. If you have an order then you will be emailed as soon as your order has been shipped. :)
We have containers on:

Tue 29 Oct
Wed 30 Oct
Thu 31 Oct

These containers will have different Bitfenix products in, and will be booked in our warehouse ASAP. If you have an order then you will be emailed as soon as your order has been shipped. :)

Awesome, thanks!
Not sure if serious... The post above yours is a quote of mine. ;)

Read the first post

Yep, read that, cheers for pointing that out again though.

I'll rephrase, How long will it take to get through your warehouse process of goods in, to allocation to orders, to being dispatched, to arriving on my doorstep?

Will I receive mine tomorrow, or Thursday? Maybe Friday?

We have had a massive delivery today, what is it in particular as it maybe showing in stock on the website now. :)
when they are here,

the dispatch email will hit your inbox

then you can expect it in the time period that you have paid postage for.
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