WW2/Vietnam Era FPS Games to be Released?

4 Jun 2011
Hey all,

All these modern and futuristic games just aren't doing it for me, thinking back to when I played MOH:AA/SP, COD2, and BF1942 was fantastic and gives nostalgic moments.

Are there any games on the horizon for games set within WW2/Vietnam eras?

Thank you
Looking at reviews for it now and its getting ridiculed :(

I only looked at YouTube videos of it.
I'll go to some reviews!

Edit: HA!


It's a bad sign when loading screens are the most eye-catching parts of a game.

Enemy Front isn't among the best-looking shooters out there, or the most memorable.

Enemy Front lands in that unfortunate middle area where its faults aren't bad enough to leave a painfully lasting negative impression, but its key moments are too generic to be memorable.
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Red Orchestra 2 is, in my opinion, the best WW2 shooter out there. It is a lot more realistic than Cod or MOH though, so be prepared for a lot of one hit kills from guys you can't see.
Red Orchestra 2 is, in my opinion, the best WW2 shooter out there. It is a lot more realistic than Cod or MOH though, so be prepared for a lot of one hit kills from guys you can't see.

being one shot by guys i cant see is my memories of every non-local play cod match since cod4 [when i was either good or lucky]

so itd probably feel familiar...
Did you ever give arma 3 king of the hill infantry only servers a go ? most fun I've had since desert combat mod bf 1942.
Red Orchestra 2\Rising storm by far. Turn on manual bolting for the win. Also there is nothing like playing on a night map as a flamethrower and burning out pillboxes and trenches, or playing as a Jap squadleader and charging an MG with a katana
don't know why people rate red orchestra its **** bombed on release and most who play it just sit in same bush whole game.

early cods moh where ten times better and are close to ten yrs on after ro was released.

hopefully someone does a decent fps ww2 game soon.

though i must admit fps games in general have run out of ideas and arnt even adding the basics in properly anymore.
don't know why people rate red orchestra its **** bombed on release and most who play it just sit in same bush whole game.

early cods moh where ten times better and are close to ten yrs on after ro was released.

hopefully someone does a decent fps ww2 game soon.

though i must admit fps games in general have run out of ideas and arnt even adding the basics in properly anymore.

Yes it had issues on release but patches fixed loads of issues ages ago. When was the last time you played it? I can honestly say that hardly anyone "just sit in same bush whole game" unless they are using the MG. You probably just suck and can't communicate with your team and take him out.
RO2 - The EVE online of FPS.

RO2 fails in one critical area where FPS games are concerned - Leveling up.

This mechanic has no place in any honest FPS game.

The joy of FPS was always a players innate skill combined with active teamwork. RO2, for all of its scope and size totally kills the idea of player skill and turns what ought to be an exciting gameplay experience into an mmo style grindfest; I really wanted to like it, but going against a higher level player almost always ended up sitting out the rest of the round or until the next respawn wave.

Americas Army (derivatives) and Insurgency got player leveling right - they are only representative of your gametime and k/d ratio. They don't set your in-game playing 'abilities' above other players with crap like weapon skill points, aiming accuracy, faster reloading, reduced susceptibility to suppression, increased stamina and a bunch of other stuff that makes the game a frustratingly unrewarding experience for all but the most dedicated RO2 lifer.
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