5 Sep 2012
Decided to make a new thread and let the old one die.

We have a game server that we can use! (Hurraaaah)
The server is owned by me, and is kindly being managed by ThaReaperGuy!
The plan is to put various game servers on it, depending on what the community wants.
We will probably hold polls every now and then to determine this.
The first poll was as follows:

Latest Update
ThaReaperGuy is currently configuring a 16 slot (I think)
Left4Dead2 server due to popular demand. When the
server is up we will investigate the load on the server and
decide whether we can install a second server on the machine.

UPDATE 3/10/14:
Update for tonight:

I will be looking for aome testers tonight as I will be keeping the server up throughout the weekend.
I am installing Metamod and Sourcemod onto the server to help with admin and running of the server.

Once done I'm looking for 8 people to help test a few things:
  • 8 Players / 16 players can be done for campaign / versus.
  • Connection speed with more players is OK, ideally looking for a spread of people across the UK/EU
  • Server load, to determine what we can handle in the future

If the above goes well I will keep the server up over the weekend for everyone to test/join and see how it runs over a short period in terms of Memory and CPU usage.

If you want to help tonight drop me an email in trust with your steamID, will be running around 8-9PM depending on Sourcemod install.

Server will be back up shortly, I have installed the following:

  • MetaMod
  • SourceMod
  • L4DToolz
  • Force Mission Changer

This allows 8 people to play co-op or 16 people when playing versus, each with their own map changer.

I believe voting may be enabled but this will need testing.

I have created a Host Banner and will be adding a MOTD to keep you all up to date.

Host Server Banner:

8 Players in Co-op:



Connection details
Current Game: Left4Dead2

There is a teamspeak server on it, which you are welcome to use, but it seems we already have one!


Any server connection details or server changes will be updated above, so keep an eye out!

Nerd info:
The server is hosted with Hetzner in Germany.
It has an i7-3770 with 16GB of ram.

Speedtest to Cambridge:

It's currently running Proxmox on it, and the VM that we are using has been allocated 4 logical cores and 10GB of ram, with 100GB of disk space.

The server has a dedicated IP:
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Excellent work to guys.

Feel free to add me on Steam and I'll happily jump on and help out when you wanna test the L4D2 game.

Well it's pretty much all ThaReaperGuy haha, i'm just providing the server! :p Thanks for the offer! Details will be updates in the main post so keep an eye on it.

Surprised L4D2 won to be honest, haven't seen many posts about that game on here for ages. Sure it wasn't the same guy voting over and over on a new IP :p

Haha, I was pretty surprised to be honest, but it seems people fancy playing one of those old games, with a new flair! ;)
I can see the server switching from game to game as we go through.
I'm happy to see up several game instances so we can dynamically switch.

Just grabbing a drink and some food & will be getting the server ready for tonight! :)

Life is Feudal looks interesting, can we setup a dedicated server this early as I know it's just been released as early access?
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Server will be back up shortly, I have installed the following:

  • MetaMod
  • SourceMod
  • L4DToolz
  • Force Mission Changer

This allows 8 people to play co-op or 16 people when playing versus, each with their own map changer.

I believe voting may be enabled but this will need testing.

I have created a Host Banner and will be adding a MOTD to keep you all up to date.

Host Server Banner:

8 Players in Co-op:

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