X: Rebirth 3.2 - good yet?

2 May 2004
I've got the urge to play a decent space game like X3 TC at the moment & become a stupidly rich trader again :D. Is X Rebirth good yet? I see they've patched it quite significantly now.
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No it's garbage, get X: Terran Conflict or Albion Prelude instead. Rebirth is a failed 360 console port, rumour has it the game was rejected for the Xbox360 /Xbox one.

This is the real feedback:

Some of those have 200+ hours before feedback, consider that chaps, 200 hours then vote NO? That takes some doing but that's how dedicated some of the X-series fans are, they wanted to like it but didn't, just like I wanted to adore the game but thought it was one of the worse games I've played in the past 10 years.
Polished but empty in comparison. I agree about going back to albion prelude or terran conflict though, very good games.

Rebirth isn't exactly packed with content, 20 systems? can't even remember tbh, one flyable ship? copy/paste stations.. NPCs who seem to date from the 1990s games.. :p
The earlier X games are about as good as it gets. It's a shame Egosoft ****** all their fan loyalty and respect up the wall with that nasty Rebirth money grab.

Elite still feels very sterile. I'm finding it hard to love.

Rebirth isn't exactly packed with content, 20 systems? can't even remember tbh, one flyable ship? copy/paste stations.. NPCs who seem to date from the 1990s games.. :p

It's the NPC's that cracked me up most of all. In previous games, especially the early ones, Egosofts unusual NPC art style only featured in those dreadful, but strangely charming (sort of :D) cutscenes. In Rebirth they were placed front and centre for all the world to admire, all the time!

I can only hope they've dumped most of that nonsense in the umpteen updates they've desperately been knocking out since.
This was the only game I've ever had refunded on Steam, took me a long time to get it. To add insult to injury they didn't actually remove it from my Steam list so I can still play it if I really wanted to.
Terran conflict has some good mods for it, all of them need you to trade first though - they are essentially trading/management games primarily it's just that you can fight if you want to.
It's also 66% off atm :)


Despite all the crud the developers got, they stuck with it. Been wanting to bound on the game for ages, kicking myself that I never dropped on the box when game were knocking it out for 15 quid.

thanks man.
Terran conflict has some good mods for it, all of them need you to trade first though - they are essentially trading/management games primarily it's just that you can fight if you want to.

True TC and all x games are trading but it develops beyond just back and forth in one ship which is a lot better than the elite mechanic.

That being said x games arent great at the fighting simulation.
X3:reunion is still my fav. with XTM of course

It is a very different take X:rebirth. It's also on 3.5 from what i've read

I feel it may have got a undue slating because its so different. Dont know about how bad the bugs were when released that contributed to the upset.

I will withhold judgement until I've played it more.
Oh I spent far too long setting up trade routes and building a trade empire in X³. Totally forgot what else there was to do in the game.

Had trouble building space stations though, couldn't seem to get it to work.

Blooming vertical wall of a learning curve though.
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