Looking for a MMO style game that i can play with my friends

3 Nov 2014
Newcastle, England
I am wanting a fun MMO, any type really, we enjoy Battlefield 4, CS:GO and Fifa (not so much 15 anymore) but yeah we like Racing games too, i have played forza, assetto etc and not too big a fan...
We have about £30 each to pay upfront, but we may be able to save, also steam sale on 11th June so i will wait if necessary, just looking for ideas!
Also, if you play the game a lot, feel free too join us and if its a new game to us, explain tactics etc, will be good to get someone experienced!

Look forward to your replies!
Not quite sure what you are asking as you say mmo and then go on to list a whole lot of games that have nothing to do with one. If you want an ACTUAL mmo then i think wildstar goes free to play next month and could be worth checking out.

If you just want a multiplayer game thats fun wtih friends and has a bit more persistence to the world etc you could give Rust a try, got a lot of hours out of that with friends.
Download the demo/Trial of Final Fantasy XIV on Steam, or from the official site. I've never played a FF game before and never really cared for the name when I was growing up in the 90's, but damn its a fine game if you like MMO's.

I played about 8 hours before deciding to buy it so I'm currently in my 30 day trial.

Would be nice to find a guild (or whatever you call them in FF) to join though.

Anyway free 14 day trial so you can see for yourself. Price to buy was £10 on Steam.
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If you can put up with older graphics, Project Reality is about to go standalone with the patch due this weekend. It's a realism mod for Battlefield 2 that still has a large following even after ten years since its inception. Really encourages and rewards teamplay! :)
Give DOTA2 a go ... its free. Its not quite an MMO but it has loads of strategies and stats, etc .. huge eSports following now with The International 5 coming up.
Wildstar is going f2p

its a very "fast" paced combat mmo. only mmo id recommend right now.
If you only want to pay once upfront then Guild Wars 2 is the best choice.

I Second This.

I spent many hours in a vast amount MMO's And GW2 has to be my most favourite, considering I have over 1000 hours in it (And still playing daily).
Not quite sure what you are asking as you say mmo and then go on to list a whole lot of games that have nothing to do with one. If you want an ACTUAL mmo then i think wildstar goes free to play next month and could be worth checking out.

If you just want a multiplayer game thats fun wtih friends and has a bit more persistence to the world etc you could give Rust a try, got a lot of hours out of that with friends.

Yeah, but they gave a general idea on my gaming interests which is what i was aiming to achieve by my original post..
Ill give wildstar a look, ive got GW2, had it since day of alpha release and played it once and never again :( £50 never used lmao
Yep, Guild Wars 2 is buy once play forever with no fee's. There is literally tons and tons of content with great PvP.

It has frequently been on sale for £8 but is still worth paying £17 for it here > cdkeys < Heroic Edition, trusted site. You might even be able to source it cheaper!
Can't argue against Guild Wars 2. I played it for a while on release and it was pretty good fun. I can only assume its gotten better since then.
It has and with the upcoming Heart of Thorns expansion it's only getting bigger.

Start onserver Seafarers Rest and I can show you the ropes :-D
Yeah, but they gave a general idea on my gaming interests which is what i was aiming to achieve by my original post..
Ill give wildstar a look, ive got GW2, had it since day of alpha release and played it once and never again :( £50 never used lmao

I feel your pain - I bought the game for myself and the wife but it was....bland I guess is the best way to put it. So £100 for a month or 2 at most of play - and even then it was more a case of playing simply because I was trying to convince myself it would get better (afterall, most MMOs are rather lacking early on).

Wildstar is certainly a fine choice once it goes F2P. For me the graphics were enough to put me off as well as me not being much of a Sci Fi type of gamer. But by all accounts it is a pretty solid game.

Tera is another option, also not my cup of tea but a more active combat is definietely the way forward for MMOs.

FFXIV is a solid game, though it is bought and subbed. I enjoyed this as an MMO and if you have friends you can do all the game content up until the higher levels before having to worry about finding others to play with. The biggest issue with FFXIV for me is that it is very traditional style MMO - tab target, auto attack, passive defensive stats, slow Global Cooldowns, rigid class structure (you can of course change class which is a cool concept, but I feel this is inferior to games that allow you to actually change your roles within a class).

Rift was actually a pretty good game to me, I left prior to it going F2P so I don't know what that has done to the game, but it is free and can be worth checking out. It is similar to FFXIV in being traditional style MMO, but the classes offer a lot more flexibility.

Elder Scrolls Online A game people love to hate but since going B2P I think the game is well worth checking out, despite its flaws it has been a very enjoyable game for myself with a lot of hours worth of content. Its biggest flaw atm is the lack of new stuff for old players due to the focus on console, but with console release within the next week or so it is likely E3 will show off new content (and possibly there will be a PC sale soon after)
As a person that has played a vast amount of MMOs I can say that GuildWars 2 far surpasses them all in gameplay.

The game is never a grind, the combat requires interaction and not just click and wait.

The content within GW2 is massive and they're so many different ways to go about doing quests as they can be completed different ways.

I just convinced 3 of my friends to buy it as they were playing inferior MMOs and they wish they bought it earlier.

And you never have to worry about having to pay to be able to play the game you already own.
One thing about GW2 - there is a very different 'feel' to a lot of the classes, so if you try one and get that bland feeling, try changing class/race/weapon types a bit until you find one that clicks. Took me a few starts thinking I'd wasted my money before suddenly loving it with the right combination.
If it's not strictly an MMO you want but an action game you can play with friends, Marvel Heroes may be worth a shot. It's an ARPG like Diablo II but with Captain America. :D It's also free to play from the start, and it's about to celebrate its second anniversary so there will probably be gifts too. Everything bar costumes, stash space, XP boosts and vanity pets can (eventually) be acquired without payment, but you will probably want to drop a few shekels on stash space - in which case there's a 15% bonus on IGC purchases until the 4th.
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