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Inno3D GeForce GTX 980 "iChill HydroCool"

15 Jan 2015
I have brought my self the Inno3D GeForce GTX 980 "iChill HydroCool", been using it for just over 2 weeks now and finally wanting to go past the stock clocks of 1304mhz on the gpu and the stock ram clocks as well, reason be why not ay? free performance and loads of head room on temps.

The problem is I am not very good when it comes to overclocking on GPU's as I have not had much practice, and as there are no reviews at this moment in time for my GPU version I am not sure what I should be aiming for in speeds and what settings on AB.

So with this I have Looked around at other 980s with around the same stock clocks as my card and tried to see what works best but I feel it could be tweaked better as at the moment it seems like I can either push it much more or I can turn down possible volts.

At this moment in time I have been able to run this OC stable on vally benchmark looping for 2 hours with max temps of high 60s:

Stock GPU clock:1304mhz
Stock ram clock: 1823mhz effective 7292
OC: 1973mhz effective 7892

Below are print screens of both GPU-Z and AB settings.
Thanks for reading and also I was not sure if this should have been in the OC section or the Graphics card section so sorry if in wrong place :) :)
That's not bad. Cards generally are all comfy at 1400mhz and that's a great price/performance/features/memory against a furyX. You should effectively be a lot faster than a titan X and with a cooler that allows better temps too. Overall the ti with 3rd party coolers is a better card than the titanX in benchmarks overclocked unless you go full maniac with titanX on water or hybrid.
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