Anyone got Fallout 3 to work from steam?

30 Oct 2014
Bought fallout 3 and wanted to get through it before fallout 4 came out..but it's not running properly and crashing on the home screen due to not being compatible on windows 10.
Why is it on sale if it's not ported properly..any way to get it to work?
Right click on "my pc" and should come up, most likely you're on windows 8.1 and signed up for the free uprade. It's fine, it changes the interface and start menu a bit. You dont lose any files
If you have New Vegas as well you could try a Tale of Two Wastelands and run it through the NV version of the engine, that's how I got it running.
Apparently even on 7 and 8 it doesnt work
Thats not right it works perfectly on both of those.

Make sure you download the newist gGmes For Windows Live client direct from MS install that & make a GFWL account to register the game then it should be fine.
Right click on "my pc" and should come up, most likely you're on windows 8.1 and signed up for the free uprade. It's fine, it changes the interface and start menu a bit. You dont lose any files

Cheers I do have 8.1. I heard somewhere that windows 10 spies on you or something.Not sure if true.
You need to install gfwlsetup.exe (~600kb)

I cant remember where I got it from, but it fixed the issue for me. You can then use a disabler from nexusmods if you dont want gfwl to run, but I didn't bother.

Alternatively you can try installing the big unofficial patch from nexusmods. This is supposed to fix the issue but I havent seen the claim verified.
Playing on Win 7 (Steam version) with no GFWL installed, and it works perfectly - apart from not being able to Alt+Tab out of the game properly.

Do you have a multi-CPU setup? I saw a fix somewhere to make it only use one CPU, which apparently fixes stability issues for some people, so you could give that a shot.


yeah to fix crashes in FO

go to nexus mods and install most of the stability patches and the unnofficial patch from 2015.

you can install NMC's texture pack too wouldn't worry about much else on your first run through.
yeah to fix crashes in FO

go to nexus mods and install most of the stability patches and the unnofficial patch from 2015.

you can install NMC's texture pack too wouldn't worry about much else on your first run through.

As said by Twst and Sumanji, you need to change a few things to get it to work on Win 7.
If you bought it through steam, i think there is a disclaimer which says game not compatible with windows 7. I think it was down to Bethesda not releasing a patch for the game. I just bought it 3 days ago and spent some time on various forums to get it to work, as mine was freezing after 10 mins of play. The fix in essence is to get a dll file from nexus, run game in WinXP compatibility mode, limit the number of cores the game can use( 1 or 2) as anything more will crash the game (this means a edit to the fallout.ini file), turn off auto save and save manually, disable .net 3.1 (if installed) and the GFWL fix mentioned already. It has since worked for me flawlessly. Just search for Fallout 3 windows 7 fix and you will get the thread either on steam listing the fix or the nexusmods forum.
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