X-Com 2 (Xbone/PS4)

I got it on release day. Fired it up today.

Loading times are awful. Graphics aren't good for a full-price release. Cant comment much beyond that as I'm new to the series.
I got it on release day. Fired it up today.

Loading times are awful. Graphics aren't good for a full-price release. Cant comment much beyond that as I'm new to the series.

I can't comment on consol version but I finished it on pc and load times were pants on that too. I'll say this to any one here playing it make sure you have plenty high level people as last level is abit of a **** take in what it does to you
got it delivered on Friday from Tesco for £30 then got an email saying they are refunding £5 as they couldn't guarantee release date delivery, not going to argue as I also used £7 of clubcard vouchers for paid a total of £18 for the game on PS4.

so far really enjoying it, enjoyed what I played of enemy within but never committed to a play through, something else always took the attention away and I was always hoping for a ps4 release.

determined to give this one a full go with the aim of an iron man play though when I better understand the game.

I don't mind the load times too much as its turn based atleast I know the game wont move on if I get distracted while I'm waiting, I remember Bloodborne was bad on release too and that got improved, lets hope they do that for this too.
Not sure I'll be keeping this for long. While it's nice to have something different on the go, it really ain't my cup of tea; finding the game frustrating to say the least. I'll probably get shot of it while used values remain strong.

Only ordered it because some mates kept going on about it (they played the first to death on Xbox) and it was relatively cheap for a new game.
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Not sure I'll be keeping this for long. While it's nice to have something different on the go, it really ain't my cup of tea; finding the game frustrating to say the least. I'll probably get shot of it while used values remain strong.

Only ordered it because some mates kept going on about it (they played the first to death on Xbox) and it was relatively cheap for a new game.

It does hey better but initial couple hours can be a struggle due to poor hear and finding out tactics cause one wrong move can end it quickly for you
Not sure I'll be keeping this for long. While it's nice to have something different on the go, it really ain't my cup of tea; finding the game frustrating to say the least. I'll probably get shot of it while used values remain strong.

Only ordered it because some mates kept going on about it (they played the first to death on Xbox) and it was relatively cheap for a new game.

Let me know if you stick it on the mm!
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